who is dawn wang

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dawn has always wanted to be a performer, he's known that since he was two when he would always go up on stage during church and start dancing for those to see. he's always loved the attention and the cheers he would get.

he was born to a thai father and a chinese mother, the language barrier between the two wasn't that hard as they both found a way to communicate, english. since they could speak english, this allowed dawn to be fluent in three languages which was useful. he's currently living in china with his family of four with a younger sister who's quite annoying but always made time to show affection towards her older brother.

dawn wang, that's his english name. his real name is chai lueangsuwan-wang, but since he always hated that people would mispronounce his name, he decided to call himself dawn wang to make it more simple. there were times he hated the fact that he was thai, it wasn't his fault, he was always raised to love both cultures but everytime he said he was also thai, looks of disgust would be shown.

his love of kpop was found when it was announced that thai trainee was going to debut, hearing about this dawn found that maybe being thai was unique and that he should also make a name for himself. lalisa, the one who inspired dawn to also be the biggest star, just like that he started training at the age of 12.

luckily for him, there was a company at china where they allowed foreigners to train to become an idol. dawn didn't do it for the fame nor the money but for the performance, he's always loved performing so this was perfect for him as he hated studying.

constantly as a trainee, he would discriminated just for being half thai which was not his fault but he always ignored those who would judge him for who he was. there were times where he wanted to quit but he's always held onto his dream, he was heavily scolded everyday and he's always blamed himself for trying too hard.

in the corner of the room, he would sit down and wonder what he did wrong. there was an older brother who would always sit with him and comfort him but one day he suddenly went missing and he hadn't been heard of since. once again, dawn lost himself again and he didn't know what to do.

- 6 years later -

"you're constantly training, it's so weird to think about how you used to be the one getting scolded everyday." the trainer said as he was impressed with how much dawn has grown and matured not just physically but mentally.

"why haven't i debuted yet, wait i'm still not your type am i?" dawn questioned with a cold look as the staff in the room also went silent as they knew he was right, he never fit their concept or visuals and they knew that dawn would stand up for something that was not necessary.

"that's what i thought." dawn said as he went back to practicing on his skills, it has been six years and yet no news on debuting. he's been in this shitty company since 2016 and 2022 was the year he was promised that he was going to debut and yet it was august.

what was he even doing in a company like this, shouldn't he just move to korea? dawn always wanted to move there but he's never had the money despite working hard.

he was promised that once he was going to debut, they were going to transfer to korea where he would make his debut but currently he didn't believe that especially since it's been six years.

he's been lonely for so long that he hasn't had a friend since he dropped out, even his family was starting to get worried for his health. just as he was about to give up and just work at the store his parents owned, he noticed an online advertisement for some show in korea.

"boys planet, where male trainees face against each other to debut. auditions open now."  dawn took this as a sign that this was his last chance of debuting, if he didn't debut or make it on the show he figured that he would stop altogether as this was just a waste of time.

"oh well, i guess i'm going to audition." aeri said as he submitted his audition clips and form, he honestly didn't expect much since who would want to recruit a half breed like him. he's lost majority of his confidence due to this company he was at and he didn't have any friends.

many days had passed, and he still haven't heard much. all he gets his notices saying that his audition clip has been viewed and that was it, when he had given hope that he was going to make it, he suddenly got a text.

"dear dawn wang,

we have received your audition and we decided that you have PASSED, your travel costs will be covered by us. please head to *LOCATION*, that will be where every trainee who have passed will meet up.

please prepare a song to perform, we are very excited to have you join the show.

good luck,
hiring board."

reading this gave dawn somewhat motivation, although he's been fighting for an opportunity like this for so long, he finally feels appreciated that he has a chance to compete.

after he has processed the new found information, he finally broke down knowing that all of his hard work will be shown maybe he would even debut. it was hard being a foreigner but now this was his chance and he wanted to grab it faster than ever.

he grabbed his belongings and ran from his training studio to his parents store where he ran up to them and told him the awaiting good news he's been wanting to hear for the last six years.

his parents were on the verge of tearing up as they've seen their own son go through mental health problems just for his dream but watching him finally achieve what he's wanted for so long made them the proudest parents in the world. even though there will be haters in the world, he would always be the biggest star.

just watch him.

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