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"We have an announcement to make" She said making everyone look at her. "I think we should eat first, then I'll hear anything" said Vivan making Adaa chuckle. "Yeah, that'll be good, because after that I don't think anyone will be able to digest" Siddharth's mother said.


"Well, should we continue our talks?" Adaa's mother asked. "Yeah..sure" said Vivan. "So...the news is, there will be a marriage in our house" She said. Adaa asked in excitement "Whose?" "Yours" She replied.

Adaa spilled water on the ground and put a hand on her mouth. Aman nearly fell from his chair hearing this.
"What...is this a joke?" She asked widening her eyes. She got a reply from her mother..."Not at all"

"With whom" She asked her mother. "With Siddhart" Siaddhart's mother said.

Siddharth and Adaa made eye contact for a second, and Adaa said "Whattt" "I'm not ready for marriage...I'm a kid maa" Adaa said to her mother. "You are TWENTY FOUR, Adaa" She replied. "I'm not ready for any marriage either" Siddharth said.

"See..this old ma-..I mean he is also not ready" She said. "the marriage is fixed" that's what she heard and lost her patience. She stood up and said "I'm not gonna have this MARRIAGE" and went to her room.

"I have kept my words and I'll not accept this" saying this, Siddharth also went outside the house.

Adaa's Pov

I was talking to Aarav. I think he was hiding something from me. I am having a feeling like he was lying from me or maybe I'm really overthinking. Ugh...thinking this, I'm getting annoyed or maybe mood swings. Let's try to ignore this and enjoy the moment.

Soon the guests arrived. I saw few cars stopping at the entry gate. Soon all of them exited their cars and greeted each other.

There was a tall guy exiting the driver seat. Looks like he escaped from the fictional world. Control yourself Adaa, you have a boyfriend waitin' for you.

He went to Rehaan bhai, they hugged each other and started talking. I guess he is a friend of him. We went inside. Suddenly I got a call from Aratrika.

[ On call ]

Ara : Hey...I'm at someone's place and there are plenty of handsome men present here.

Me : Weren't you drooling over FICTIONAL MEN yesterday ?

Ara : Yesterday was yesterday. It was past and one should live in present. So...maybe I should get their insta or maybe their number.

Me : You're a Pervert.

Ara : I'm not a Pervert.

Me : Yes..you ar-

Ara : Bye, I think one of them is approaching me

Me : Hey wai-

[ Call End ]

Ahh..She is so delusional. Who's gonna take care of her in the future. Hope She's fine there.

Soon everyone gathered at a place, in the living room.Then I saw that tall guy talking to Rehaan bhai.

I think Maa heard their conversation and said him to consider this as his own house. Then she ordered me to get him a glass of water. Me? All the workers are hypnotised?

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