10: A Rather Boring Event

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She watched as Shadowmere was led away by servants, a look of longing on her face.

She would've given anything  in this life to just get the chance to ride with  him, free. Free to be just her former self. To be better than just the wife of her own brother and a future queen of seven kingdoms.

She would've loved to feel the wind in her hair as they thundered together over the vast landscape  of Skyrim once more. Though, she would settle for Westeros, if granted.

A hand touched her shoulder  and she turned her head to look up at her brother, his handsome face marred by a frown.

She could practically feel the disappointment radiating  from him, as well as the disapproval.

He hadn't  said anything.  Not like their raging father who glared daggers at her from the pavilion. But she know that he too wasn't  very happy with her display.

She had left all decorum behind when Shadowmere  had appeared. She had forgotten  where she was and who she is in the face of seeing a ghost from her former life.

She know that later she would pay for it. She had disgraced her family today. Not like it wasn't  already disgraced.
Her father singlehandedly have brought  that on with his insanity.

She didn't  fight it when her brother began leading  her back to the pavilion. She didn't  need another so called crime against  her name. Not that singing and then embracing a horse are a crime, really.  It was just the vipers in their midst that named it so.

Speaking of crimes....

She tried hard not to acknowledge  the giggles and whispers from the highborn to the lowborn as they made their way onto the royal pavilion from the back of it.  She hated their disrespect when it came to her.

She already had been humiliated so many times by them in this lifetime. Their cruelty was a knife that cut deep.

They had mocked her  to her face when she was still mute. Laughing as they did so. She had heard the way they spoke about her behind her back. It had hurt. It still hurt.

She was pulled out of her bitter memories  when Rhaegar guided her to sit down beside Jon Connington, who glared at her with contempt.

Jon Connington who never really  liked her and probably never will.

It is no secret that the man had  feelings for the Crown Prince. It was always there for all to see. The way he looked at Rhaegar.... the way he spoke to him. 

Were Lord Connington  a woman...Caelyra wouldn't be surprised  if he tried to kill her  just to have Rhaegar.  He still could try. But Rhaegar  needed an heir and Connington  isn't the right gender to bear a child. Small mercies, she supposed.

Her hand was lifted and pulled to Rhaegar's  lips and she felt the softness of them graze her wrist right where her pulse are.

She watched him, heat suddenly  pooling in her belly and a wetness forming between  her thighs.
She felt her cheeks heat up  in a blush at it.

Why is it the small things he did that made her feel like this?And why now? Why did he have to kiss her pulse in the old arena?

Sometimes, she found it despicable being married to her own brother and she hated herself for feeling even a thimble full of desire when he did things like this. It was unsettling to  say the least. But today...

She shifted around in her seat, clamping her thighs together at the uncomfortable throbbing between  them in her core. She didn't  know what is wrong with her today of all days where so many people could see. She didn't like it and wanted it to disappear. She wanted to disappear, sucked up within the fabric of the cushion she sat on.

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