Chapter Eight

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Soap walked up behind Ivy slowly as she watched the helicopter lift and took off. "Ms. Ivy?" Soap spoke quietly and carefully. Ivy turned around with tears in her eyes, "Hi Soap." She said with a crack in her voice. Soap took a few quick steps towards Ivy, "It'll turn out right, they'll be back before ya know it." He assured as he held her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. She quietly cried against Soap's chest for a moment before pulling away, "What can I get you?" Soap asked smoothly. Ivy sniffled and wiped her eyes, "My memory." She joked as she huffed out a small laugh, tears falling from her eyes. Soap smiled, laughing along with her. "I wish I could, lass."

Soap and Ivy walked back as Soap had his arm over Ivy. Looking around for Gaz, they spotted him sitting on the sidelines with a few people. "Hey, Gaz." Ivy said sheepishly as they approached him. Gaz turned and smiled, "Hey guys. I assume they left?" he asked as he stood up. Ivy nodded slowly, still hurting from the worry and her mind still racing with the possibilities of the outcome. "Well then, let's get you busy, huh?" he said with a smile on his face. Ivy furrowed her brows, "How?" Gaz shrugged his shoulders, "We need Alejandro and Rudy."

Soap, and Gaz rushed through the compound with Ivy close behind to find Alejandro and Rudy, searching building after building and asking whoever might've seen them. After finding them in one of the last buildings they checked, they rushed outside. Soap and Gaz led them all to the back of the compound where there was a large area with some garages. "What are we doing back here?" Ivy asked as confusion filled her tone. "You'll see." Alejandro said as he walked next to her. "Here we are." Soap said with a smile on his face as they stopped at one of the smaller garages. Ivy looked from one face to another, "Am I supposed to know what this is?" she asked as she laughed nervously. "Open it." Gaz said as it tilted his chin towards it. "What if there's bugs?" Ivy whispered to Gaz, pulling a loud laugh from him and Soap. "Same ol' Ivy. Alright, alright," Soap caught his breath, "I'll get it." he said as he shook his head. As Soap opened the doors, 4 ATV's sat in the shed. Ivy's eyes grew wider as she remembered the small memory from earlier. She looked around at the boys, "We get to ride them?!" she shouted. "Keegan approved this morning. We told him it might help with your memory; just wants us to be careful and stay in the compound." Rudy said as he smiled at Ivy.

After pushing the ATVs from the small garage, Soap and Ivy climbed up on one while the others got on the other 3, each having their own. "Did I ever ride alone, Soap?" Ivy asked as she sat behind Soap. He shook his head, "No, Lt. didn't want you to get hurt." He started the ATV as the others did the same. "Alright Mrs. Ivy," Soap shouted over the loud vehicles, "Hold tight, and" "Squeeze tighter when you tap my hands?" Ivy interrupted, the words coming to her suddenly. Soap turned as much as he could to look at her, "Tha's right." He smiled as he tapped her hand, Ivy squeezed tightly as he took off nearly at full speed. Rudy, Gaz and Alejandro followed suit, and sped off to catch up with Ivy and Soap.

Spending all day on the AVTs, Ivy was unaware of the chaos Ghost, Price and Konig found themselves in. As they landed an hour's walk from Graves location, they prepared to ambush. After walking the mile in thick forestation, Price, Ghost, and Konig and Konig's army arrived just outside of the smaller compound. Kneeling as they waited for the clearance to move forward, Price turned to Ghost, "How you doin' Simon?" he asked. "Ready to kill the bastard, sir." he said harshly. Price huffed out a small laugh and shook his head.

"Clear." Laswell's voice came over the radio, and the teams pushed forward. Konig's army surrounded the base as they enclosed the main building, making sure there was nowhere for Graves to escape. After sweeping most of the base, Price, Konig and Ghost were outside the door of the main building where Graves was assumed to be positioned. Konig kicked the door open, aiming his gun inside, shooting at any movement he saw. Once it was clear, Konig and Price moved in with Ghost close behind. They were mostly quiet as they moved, only a few quick shots cutting through the silence. The tension was thick, eyes darting throughout the rooms as they proceeded through the house. Approaching the last room, Konig looked back for a moment and nodded before kicking it down. Guns pointed forward, they quickly walked inside the empty room. They glanced around with their eyes on the end of their weapons. It was deafeningly quiet, no movement as they searched the room. It was empty, except bedroom furniture and trash. Konig saw a dim red blinking light from under the bed. His eyes widened as he began to shout, but an explosion cut him off.

With the ATV's parked and Ivy's adrenaline still flying through her veins, the group walked back into the compound. "That was so much fun." Ivy said as she beamed back at the boys. "Glad you had fun." Rudy said softly. The boys felt a heavy gladness in their chests, happy to have Ivy back and smiling but felt sorrow as they didn't have her mind back completely. "Can we go again later?" Ivy asked excitedly. "Sure thing, Mrs. Ivy. But we need some food in us first." Soap responded. As they sat to eat, Ivy suddenly felt an uneasy feeling consume her. She looked at Soap, "Something's wrong..." she said quietly. Soap furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean, love?" He asked. "I-I don't know... something just feelings off." she said as she shook her head. Soap smiled softly, "They'll be fine, Ms. Ivy." he assured, "They're some of the best, remember?" Gaz assured as well, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Ghost, Price and Konig will be back before you know it, mija." Alejandro joined. Ivy nodded slowly, still feeling uneasy.

The explosion destroyed part of the compound, turning it to rubble. Konig groaned in immense pain, covered in blood. He pushed the debris from his body and glanced around, his vision blurred from dirt, blood and sweat. He shifted, hearing a loud crack in the air and unfathomable pain shot through his leg. He grunted loudly, his throat releasing a wild grunt as he looked down at his leg, bone exposed and blood seeping through the fabric that remained on his leg. He looked around, blinking his vision clearer, and through the settling dust and flashing lights, saw Ghost laying lifeless a where the wall to the hallway used to be face down. "Ghost!" he shouted, groaning as he pulled himself along the floor. He painfully crawled towards Ghost's body, fearing the worst. He looked around for Price, but didn't see him. "Price?!" he shouted. He heard a groan from under a pile of rubble as it shifted slightly, Price's head peaking out slightly. "Konig," Price's muffled voice along with a few deep coughs came from the rubble pile. "Where's Ghost?!" The rubble moved once more as Price tried to get out, painful groans coming from his throat. "He's here, but he's not moving."

Finally freeing himself from the rubble, Price crawled with blood covering his torso. "Are you injured?" Price asked as he crawled slowly towards Konig. "Leg's broken, few wounds but nothing life threatening." Konig said as he leaned against a piece of the ceiling, his chest heaving as he tried to breath through the pain and adrenaline. "Simon!" Price shouted as he stood up painfully. Ghost didn't move. "Fuck..." he grunted through his teeth. He managed to limp to Ghost, falling to his knees roughly next to him and turned him over. His torso was covered in blood and the whites of his mask were dyed blood red. "Simon, come on son, wake up," Price was panicking at Ghost being so still. "Simon!" he shook once more but he didn't shift. "Kate get an evac right fucking now!" he shouted into his shoulder. He heard Laswell's muffled voice through the radio but ignored it. Price put his fingers to Ghost's neck trying to find a pulse. Price looked at Konig, panic filling his eyes as Konig laid there now lifeless as well.

Ivy and the boys filed out of the mess hall, laughing and smiling as they talked about times at the safe house, Ivy slightly remembering the memories they shared. "Remember when Alejandro and Rudy kept beating you and Soap at cards through the whole night?" Gaz laughed, "I swear you bet everything except the clothes on your backs." he continued. Ivy laughed, "I'm pretty sure Soap tried to bet the clothes off his back." she responded. "Sounds like me," Soap joined. He glanced in the distance, seeing people running into the communications building. He furrowed his brows, feeling the tension from across the courtyard that bled out of the building. "Gaz," Soap said smoothly. Gaz turned to Soap, following his gaze to the communications building. "Uh, Ivy, come with us," Alejandro gently grabbed her shoulder, trying to distract her, "Let's go play some cards, like old time, eh?" he continued, but Ivy's eyes were focused on the same building Soap and Gaz stared at. She felt her world slow, knowing her feeling earlier was right. She began sprinting towards the building with the boys close behind her, trying to convince her to stop, but their pleas went unheard as she ran.

Finally making it to the building she slammed the doors open, seeing Keegan sitting at the main radio, speaking quickly into it before he turned to Ivy. His eyes showed panic and worry, "Ivy, wait outside please." he demanded softly before turning back to the radio, people running through the room as she kept her eyes on Keegan. "Laswell, free to land, what's your ETA?" he asked into the radio. Ivy stood frozen as the boys appeared behind her. "Ivy, come on." Gaz said gently. Ivy ignored him, walking to stand next to Keegan and listened to the transmissions that were coming in. "15 mins, have medical on stand by. We have 3 wounded, two not responsive. More choppers incoming, unknown ETA." Her voice was panicked. Ivy turned to the boys that stood in the door, their faces showing the same pain that was plastered across her face. "Simon." she said quietly as tears fell from her face. 

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