Issue #43 - Let's Do A Hijacking

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"Catch me if you can, you discount kitsune!" I yelled.

A frustrated growl of distortedness came from her as she continued to gain on us, slowly getting closer.

Okay Sophie, it's your turn!

I cringed as I suddenly heard a loud crash to the side. As we passed the crash site I saw Sophie get flung from the building, Stellar quickly following.

Fuck, there's Stellar.

Oh no, we're screwed! That's what I bet you were thinking that I was thinking, hm? Get mindgamed, cause you shouldn't forget about the Cromwell.

Suddenly gaining on Foxfire was an armored car, being driven by Alexis herself. She grinned, staring at me from through her mask. She was currently wearing her new "villain uniform", now.

So you know how her usual outfit is the black suit with stripes, blue tie, and the black fedora? Yeah, not too much different, just with a new color scheme.

Her suit was a pure white, her tie was now black. She wore a white fedora, and across her face was a white eye mask. Not sure how much it actually hides the identity but it works well enough.

After all, no one notices the identity despite the simple eye mask!

And as for the name she decided upon?


As Phantom got closer her spectral hand appeared near Foxfire's back wheel. It grabbed at the wheel, tripping up the motorcycle. It swerved to the side as Foxfire jumped off. The motorcycle crashed to the side as Phantom's car continued forwards at its quick pace, allowing for Foxfire to land on top.

She unsheathed her katana mid-air and stabbed it into the roof of the car in order to stay. Phantom weaved right and left to throw Foxfire off, only for the kistune mask wearing hero to hold on strong.

Okay, we're causing a decent bit of chaos here! A little longer of driving around the city and should be good-!

The van started to stop as it was slowed down, tires screeching angrily across the pavement of the street. Did Bloodwraith slam on the breaks?

Phantom quickly slammed on the breaks, coming to a stop. Hopefully she can deal with Foxfire for a short bit...

I jumped up onto the roof, climbing up and peering over onto to see an equally surprising and worrying sight. A singular person had forcibly stopped the van, one with blonde hair and a green star under one of her eyes.

She wore a simple, white metallic suit with golden trim. Around her arms was a ton of metal which twisted and turned into two large gauntlets with clawed fingers which dug into the front of the van. She had completely stopped us by herself.

She looked up, connecting eyes with me, before suddenly jumping up and landing on the top of the van. She stood across from me with her large,  claw like metal gauntlets.

"Oh, are you Ski Mask?" She smiled. "Perfect! If you don't mind, I need you to come with me!"

"Prototype, huh?" I replied. "As fun as that would be-"

I quickly pulled out my gun and shot a bullet towards her. The bullet sped towards her body as she didn't seem to react at all. I had thought she was going to block it, only for it to suddenly stop mid air. The bullet continued to stay static in the air, before suddenly speeding off to the side.

"Well shit-!" I ducked as she swung at me with her claw. I quickly jumped down from the van, her following with a laid back attitude and the unfazed smile still on her face.

On the roof of the van, stalking behind the new hero, was Bloodwraith. She waited for her moment to strike, before leaping from the roof and bringing her umbrella down upon Prototype who was still focused on me.

The tip of the umbrella slammed onto the top of Prototype's head, only to not budge any further. Bloodwraith gracefully landed on the ground behind her, confused as to why blood wasn't flying.

Bloodwraith barely dodged as Prototype swung her metal claw, only to be caught in the grasp of the second one. I quickly shot multiple more bullets at Prototype, only for them to be stopped once more in the air again.

"You weren't in the instructions." Prototype noted. "Okay-!"

I quickly approached, swinging my blade towards her face only for my arm to get fully caught by her metallic grasp. I grit my teeth as she glanced at me, before looking back towards Bloodwraith.

"I have no orders for you, so goodbye!" Prototype smiled, chucking Bloodwraith to the side.


She pulled me upwards, lifting my feet off of the ground by my arm. I kicked at her, only for them to seemingly do nothing against her. And ouch, why does that hurt so much?!

How damn built are you?!

"Finally got you!" She smiled. "Orders complete!"

"Uh...what?" I questioned.

She opened her mouth only for something to slam into her and grab me. She flew away as I was held by the back of my clothing by a familiar person. I glanced up, seeing my favorite maid Sophie.

Mother Wasp's poison tipped bee stingers must've worked!

"Get away from Master." Sophie glared.

Prototype stood up, looking at Sophie. The two of them had a staring contest for a moment, both tilting their heads as they looked at the other. And then someone landed behind us.

I glanced behind us, seeing the new other hero, the girl with long black hair and piercing purple eyes. She wore a suit similar to Prototype's, but it had a black base with a purple trim instead.

And there's Isolation...

She stared at us, a purple spear materializing in her hands. Prototype stood back up, and now the two of them had us surrounded.

Isolation, while practically glaring at us, still tilted her head like the other two. Sophie glanced inbetween them, keeping a hold onto me.

"This is bad, Master." Sophie whispered.

I kinda figured!

"So...we can talk about this." I nervously chuckled.

"No." Isolation coldly replied, pointing the spear at us. "Please stay quiet and allow your capture."

Oh hell no, I ain't going to jail yet!

"Sophie, let's focus on escaping." I whispered.

"I agree." Sophie nodded. "However, that will be difficult, Master. These two seem to be like me."

"" I questioned.

"They are AW-VSD models." Sophie stated. "Though I do not understand. The program was cancelled."

They're your sisters?!


Just An Ordinary Henchman (Yandere Superhero Harem)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن