I saw the flyer fly away from the wreck and caught it and saw it was for a nanny job so I decided to take it and go because I was bored.

Don't need the money at all so I've been splitting it with Lucy here"

Lucifer: .....what the hell?"

Asmo : who are you then?"

707 : 707? Also a hacker and a few other things and legally not allowed to own a cat or any kind of animal. I also shouldn't be allowed to watch over kids."

Lucy  : hey 707 what happened to my turtle?"

707 : it ran away"

Lucy : its a turtle? I'm 6 not stupid?"

707 : why can't you be?"

Lucy then walked away towards her room and 707 said.

707 : I accidentally stepped on it"

MC  : ......you are interesting?"

Asmo : : when does Mammon get home?"

707 : depends what jobs he's doing sometimes he doesn't come back till night or in the morning or days at a time.

So I'm left watching Lucy alot and Almost burning the apartment building down alot"

Satan : how has no one called the cops on you or cps?"

707 : they have and all went away under mysterious circumstances....surprising how many people in the building don't pay taxes.

I am totally not a good influence on that kid. I'm the reason she accidentally burned down his last apartment along with the building.

Me and Lucy then went dor smor's afterwards"

MC  : does Mammon know this?"

707 : yep. Found out when we burned down the last place. I felt like it was the perfect time to say it"

MC : ......."

707 : anyway I was cook-

Lucifer: maybe you shouldn't"

707 : it's fine"

Few hours later Mammon suddenly got home and smelled burnt food and as he walked into the living room about to say something he saw everyone.

707 : by the looks of it was I not supposed to let them in?"

Mammon : i.....where's lucy?"

707 : in her room. I'll go check on her while you settle put your family problems"

He then walked away and Mammon wasn't sure what to do or say.

Lucifer  : ......why did you leave...."

Mammon : ......honestly Lucifer.....you know why I left....but it's only partly the reason"

Beel : what happened?"

Lucifer  : he left because we got in a fight about what he did.....I said things that we're uncalled for that I didn't mean"

Mammon  : i....I thought it was better I left.....I was going to come back then she happened and I was afraid too returned.....so I stayed away"

Lucifer  : so she is?"

Mammon : Diavolo's daughter yes. How? I don't know......"

Asmo : and I knew....I was the one who gave him the money to leave....but I didn't realize how long he'll be gone.....I'm sorry  ..

Lucifer : .....Mammon I'm sorry.....really I am....."

Mammon  : honestly I don't care anymore.....I have more important things to worry about...."

MC  : how was raising Lucy?"

Mammon : great I love her more than anything.....she's the only good thing to come out of this....but living a human life had been rough.......and I've missed you guys and felt guilty about leaving and about keeping Lucy from Diavolo"

Lucifer  : ......it's getting late we should probably g-

Mammon  : can you stay at least? I need us to talk"

Lucifer  : I will then"

Meanwhile on the other side of the wall Lucy and 707 we're listening in.

Lucy : what are they talking about?"

707 : I don't know but I feel left out aren't I a good thing?"

Lucy : you're a good nanny"

707 : thank you"

Lucy : are you going to tell me what relationship happened to my t-

707 : look at the time!time for bed"

((Also this will be a crossover of obey me and mystic messenger because why not? But mostly 707 as a male nanny and that adventure mix in with the drama from the last book plus more!))

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