Chapter 32 - First Dungeon (11)

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As soon as Julius dropped me on the ground, I threw up everything I had eaten for breakfast as well as the night before. As I continued puking my guts out, I could hear a familiar arrogant voice in the background.

"Crimson why are you with that trash? And where's Nova" Lionel Lionheart asked.

"Found this kid along the way and Nova is doing his own thing like usual. You know how he is. What are you doing with Meraki?" Julius asked calmly.

"Found her hunting spiders and thought she would be useful so I asked her to stay."

Wiping my mouth, I stood up and glanced at them.

Lionel Lionheart was standing at attention with his sword out and covered in what looked like green blood. As he glared at me disdainfully, I turned away from him.

Standing slightly away from him was Lina standing next to her large troll-shaped golem with her large pack on her back while holding a large scythe covered in the same green blood.

When she caught my gaze she began snickering. "Looking a little pale there Asani. Julius moving a little too fast for you?"

"Shut up," I muttered while vowing to myself to learn mana reinforcement as soon as we got back to the academy. I never wanted to be carried like a sack of potatoes thrown on an unstable rollercoaster with no seatbelt again.

The little shadow mimic in the shape of a fluffy black baby crow cheeped at me in concern before settling comfortably into Julius' hair.

At the sound, Lionel turned to look at it while wiping his sword clean on the ground and sheathing it. He quickly approached Julius and immediately tried to snatch the bird away from his head but was quickly blocked by Julius's arm and shoved away. The little mimic chirped furiously at Lionel as feelings of anger were being sent my way before it sent over curiosity and hunger.

"I didn't know you had a pet Crimson. When did you get it?"

"Uh..." as Julius caught my eye, I held my finger to my lips before looking away as if the situation had nothing to do with me.

"I...uh... found it in the fires and thought it was cute? It's been following me around since then. It doesn't really like strangers though so don't touch it." hearing his clumsy lie, I wanted to smack him on the back of the head.

"Hmmm." Lionel still looked suspicious as the bird left Julius and came to settle on my head. As it settled in, all it kept sending was 'eat', 'eat', 'eat'. Weird.

Seeing Lionel's still suspicious look, I explained, "Animals like me."

"I wasn't talking to you trash."

"Enough. He's with me and that's final. Moving on, what's the plan, Lionheart?"

As Julius and Lionel began conversing, I backed away from them.

"Where are you going kid?" Julius turned to look at me with a raised brow.

"Going to climb a tree and scout around. I want to see if there are any spiders around. That's why I'm here right?"

"... Don't go too far."

"Yes don't go too far. You wouldn't want to get eaten like the trash you are." Lionel mocked.

Ignoring him, I quickly climbed up a tree while keeping them in sight.

Grabbing the mimic from my head, I held it up to my face while whispering.

"Don't speak, just nod. Are you hungry? You want me to give you some meat?"

It shook its head in a confused manner before nodding yes, then no.

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