CCXII Shouto: Waltz

12 0 8

Trigger Warning:

- crude language

- disability discrimination

- drugging

- mention of rape


Selene and I are having a great time splashing water and conversing about random things when Hanada-shi calls.

The easy mood falls immediately.

Reluctantly, Selene answers the phone.

Although, she does not put it on speaker, I'm sitting so close to her that I can eavesdrop.

"Where the hell are you?" Hanada-shi hisses. "This event is supposed to be an opportunity where you become chummy with your peers and secure potential alliances. But you dare to shove all the work onto me. Get back here right now. It's time for the announcement." That's rich coming from you. I recall Selene telling my dad that you were busy getting intoxicated.

Very placidly, she replies, "Fine." With that, she presses the 'end call' button.

Equally despondent, I get up from my place at the bathtub rim and hold out my hand to assist Selene out of the water. While she dries her feet on the mat, I ask her, "Are you feeling any better? Like, is the flare over?"

She nods. "It's tolerable now. I think I can manage for a few hours."

Selene reaches for her cane. Given how much weight she shifts toward it, it is obvious that there is still plenty of lingering pain. You deserve more time to rest. I promise to myself that when all this is over, I will provide every chance for ample relaxation to her. Until then ... Selene takes a step and begins teetering over. I grasp her free arm, steadying her. "How about this? Until we reconvene with everyone at the party, rely on me for support." To prove my seriousness, I snake one arm around her waist, moving most of her weight on me.

"All right."

And she summons her light and shadow powers, merging us with the surroundings once more.

Slowly, we traipse out of the bathroom and bedroom. On route, I can feel Selene's anxiety increase with every step we take. By the time we are standing just outside the door of the dining area, palpable tremors race up and down her spine. Her hold on the enchantment slips completely.

"Hey, listen to me," I say as I physically rotate her to face me. "Tonight I came here with the plan to rescue you for good. And I mean to follow through with that. Hanada-shi won't hit you. Neither will Miyamoto - that unrecyclable piece of shit - get into a ten-meter radius of you. You're scared, and that's okay. Just hold on a for a little longer. Please?"

Selene nods vigorously. "Pretend to be brave. I can do that. I will do that."

"You got this," I encourage her.

"I got this," she parrots back, trying to summon resolve as I do.

After summoning a weak smile, she pushes the door open. We release each other the way two magnets with the same poles repel each other. How appalling considering the way we were stuck to one another the entire way here. Still, appearances must be maintained. For now.

We part ways. Selene leaves the dining area to search for Hanada-shi; I stroll over to the buffet section. If someone told me that I would get the chance to eat an absolutely scrumptious dinner at a villain's home, my response would have been along the lines of, "How dare you suggest sharing a meal with my mortal enemy!" But there were three factors I failed to consider then that are manifesting now: 1) I am a teenager who loves food, like any sane teenager; 2) it's party food, which means the stuff is free; 3) my stomach is growling because of that jog. Oh, there's a fourth motive! My reason for existence. Cold soba.

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