CC Shouto: Wisteria

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Two hundred chapters, and I'm still not done. To those of you who have read this story this far, my salutations to you.


Most days after class, Bakugou, Midoriya, and I have our work-studies.

Being Endeavor's son, Dad calls me the most often to come.

Sometimes the three of us cannot train at the same, so he invites as many as can come.

Today is not one of those days, though.

By chance, our schedules are free for the afternoon. So here we are, gaining some on-site experience on what it is to be a Pro-Hero. Today's villain in question is a gang of robbers fleeing after looting a jewelry store. Maybe calling them villains is an overstatement; they are hardly that threatening. So "useless pieces of society garbage" is perhaps a better description.

These worthless dipshits think they are oh so clever to whip out their guns after Bakugou, Midoriya, and I back them into a corner. Probably stole the weapons from somewhere, too, since only the police and military are allowed to carry guns in Japan.

"Stay back, or we'll shoot!" one of them hollers. I cannot recognize who. They are all wearing bandit masks. Doesn't matter.

Bakugou scoffs audibly at the threat. "Damn, I thought we were gonna get some action today. BUT THIS IS HELLA BORING!" He turns around to stare at me. I can feel the menace radiate in waves despite his mask. "Your dad sent us here to deal with this! These bastards who call themselves men!"

I roll my eyes. "Look, I'm just as pissed as you. This wasn't my idea of work-study, either. But Endeavor is making us do this because he was called by the Hero Commission Board to discuss something important. And the rest of the team are overworking their butts already. I'm trying to console myself by repeating mentally that at least it's not the League of Villains we're confronting. So let's just suck this up and get it over with." I extend a hand of truce to emphasize my point.

Apparently, Midoriya is the one who takes it. He is more cheerful than both of us combined. "Just because this mission did not meet our expectations doesn't mean we should take it lightly, guys." He reaches for Bakugou's hand, who hisses and tries to pull away. It is a half-hearted attempt. If anything, he is more irritated at the goons who shout out more inane warnings than Midoriya. "We are future heroes," Midoriya reminds us. "Preventing any threat to the public – big or small – is our responsibility."

Bakugou sneers and snatches his hand back. "Yeah, yeah. Protecting people who cannot protect themselves and that old spiel. Let's just toss their asses into jail and go back. I heard from Burnin' that the agency has mapo tofu on the cafeteria menu. I've been craving something spicy since yesterday."

I pull back, too. Looking away from Midoriya, I mutter, "Our duty. That's right. I've also got somewhere I need to go."

Both of them look at me, silently demanding an explanation. I do not give one. My focus is on the robbers. Half of me expected that they were simply bluffing with the gun display, but when I hear the sounds of bullets being loaded and the gun being cocked, my laxness drops.

My friends hear it, too.

It's almost like second nature at this point: our coordination.

In a matter of seconds, I unleash a barrage of ice at the thieves' feet; Midoriya uses his black whiplike tendrils to snatch the guns from midair; Bakugou also propels himself midair to blast explosions into the criminals' faces and their escape vehicle.

One minute later, the battle is over.

Five bandits gape with wide mouths at their hands and feet. Bakugou manages to retrieve the bag of jewelry and returns to our side.

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