CCIX Selene: Condition

11 0 4

Trigger Warning:

- crude language

- discussion of abuse


Two days after the attack, Recovery Girl discharges me from the infirmary.

The other students of Class 1-A were curious about why I had mysteriously disappeared.

Shouto and Bakugou-kun managed to divert their attention so their questions did not become too prying.

Shouto was kind enough to collect my notes and homework for me.

"Consider it returning the favor for when I was sick," he said.

So here I am in my boarding house room, catching up on two days worth of homework. Funny how so much work can accumulate if you miss even a short amount of time. Shouto is with me, too, finishing his own work. He had a strenuous day at his work-study, so he has a bit of back pain. I offered him my bed because after being confined to one for two days, I had my fair share.

We complete our tasks in mutual silence. Quiet but comfortable silence.

A single phone call shatters that peace.

When I look at the caller ID, a despondent snort leaves me. Sooner or later this was bound to happen. Hanada-sama was going to call me to return to the manor. Here it is now. This morning, two parcels had arrived. My cane and pendant in the first; a new phone in the other. The police had insisted on holding onto the old one for further analysis, but they had sent the other two belongings. Hanada-sama knew of it, so the second package was from him. He was courteous to mail a letter with it as well. Expect a call from me today, the letter read. A single, succinct sentence. No signature, no inquiry about my health, nothing whatsoever. I was not expecting any from him. However, my old-time friend dread paid a visit. It has yet to say goodbye.

When the dial tune rings for more than a few seconds, Shouto asks, "Who is it? Are you not going to pick up?"

I don't respond. On the one hand, I am scared of angering Hanada-sama by not picking up the first time. On the other hand, whatever he has to say will not be pleasant. The bed creaks behind me. A breeze of air flutters in my direction as the mosquito net parts. Shouto's feet plant on the ground, and his footsteps come close to me. He leans over me to look at the phone. His silence is not that of tranquility any more; it is furious and precarious.

Without any warning, he clicks the 'Accept Call' button and puts it on speaker. I want to listen, his eyes tell me. A hand on my shoulder is his encouragement for me to speak.

"Yes, Hanada-sama?" I greet carefully.

"I heard that Miyamoto Akutenshi and his friends nearly gang raped you." Straight to the point. Void of emotion. A slight slur in his words due to alcohol. How characteristic of him. "I told that fool to wait until the opportunity was good."

I pretend to be surprised. Feigning horror, I seethe, "So you collaborated with him to get back at me. Of course. I should have known."

"Did you think that you could announce in front of a group of lawyers an end to your sexual abuse?" he bites back. "Arrogant bitch! Believing that because my sons were dead you could challenge me. I had to teach you a lesson."

Shouto is overhearing all of this. Now I have more reason to be afraid. The rage in his eyes burns brighter.

"Why did you call?" I say after too many moments pass. "I doubt it was to check on my welfare."

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