Chapter Thirteen: Together Again

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A few days had passed and besides being pissed and Cato, Clove was actually enjoying herself. Her and Marvel had gotten a lot closer, both confining in each other. He confessed how he felt like he could never make his parents proud and she told him all about her and Cato. One morning the three of them were standing outside when they spotted smoke rising into the air.

"A fire!" Clove exclaimed

"Let's go!" Cato shouted, "Stay here three." The three of them shot off instantly making a dash for the fire. "Marvel, you check the surroundings for any tributes," Cato ordered "Clove and I will go to the fire."

"Ok," Marvel said, reluctant to leave Clove alone with him "I'll meet you back at the cornucopia." Clove wished she'd thought to say goodbye. She wished she'd thanked him for all the support he'd given her. In the short time she'd known him she'd felt so connected with him and she'd forgotten they were even supposed to kill each other. Clove and Cato finally made it to the fire, breathless.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Cato growled out "It was a fucking trick." Clove felt a bout of nausea rise over her, instantly falling to her knees and throwing up. Cato wordlessly gathered her hair in his hands, rubbing her back softly and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. As if all had been forgiven, Clove fell back into his arms, wanting to burst into tears as he softly kissed the top of her head. "I'm so sorry Clover," Cato said, his voice full of emotion "I'm so sorry." Clove turned around clinging to him, as tears rolled down her face.

"I'm so scared Cato," Clove murmured into his chest "I'm so scared."

"It's ok," Cato whispered softly "It's you and me until the end Clover."

"Are you mad at me?" Clove asked quietly "About the baby?"

"No," Cato said honestly, his eyes shining with emotion "But I wish you had told me."

"I couldn't tell you before the reaping," Clove said softly "I couldn't ruin your games and after I got reaped everything was messed up."

"If things we're different," Cato said, his voice trailing off.

"Well there not," Clove said bitterly "One of us is going to die." A loud sound silenced their conversation, both jumped in surprise. "That didn't sound like a canon," Clove said confused.

"It sounded like the explosives around our supplies!" Cato shouted, "I'm going to kill that boy from three." Without another word Cato grasped Clove's hand, running through the woods back to the cornucopia. Much like Cato had suspected all their supplies were destroyed, the boy from three nervously sat there. "What the fuck did you do!" Cato shouted.

"It wasn't me!" The boy exclaimed meekly, Cato wasted no time in killing him and he instantly flopped to the ground. Clove felt her nausea rise at the smell of blood, and she couldn't help but clamp a hand over her mouth.

"Sorry," Cato said, actually sounding remorseful "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok," Clove said "Just nauseous." Cato instantly cradled her in his arms, pressing a kiss to her lips.

"I missed this," He confessed "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Clove murmured against his lips "What are we going to do Cato?"

"I don't know," He said honestly "But right now all I care about is that I'm here with you." The sound of a canon separated the two of them, both of their eyes widening when a second followed only a minute later.

"You don't think..." Clove said her voice trailing off. Both of them instantly rushed into the woods, rushing off in the direction Marvel left. "Cato," Clove said, her voice cracking "It's him." Marvel was lying on the ground an arrow in his chest.

"Twelve," Cato spat angrily "I'm going to kill her."

"Not if I kill her first," Clove said bitterly.

"Let's get back to camp," Cato said, noticing the nightly drop in temperature.

"There's nothing left of it," Clove said dejectedly "What are we going to do?" Cato dug through the supplies, gathering all that was left and packing up the tent.

"Come on let's go make camp somewhere else," Cato said "We can't let twelve know where we are." Clove nodded tiredly, the two falling into a comfortable silence as they walked through the woods.

"I can't believe Marvel's gone," Clove said, breaking their silence "I liked him."

"Me too," Cato admitted "He was a good guy." They eventually came into a small clearing, Cato setting up the tent while Clove lit the fire. "I'm too tired to hunt," Cato admitted, searching through the bags they'd brought "Can you find anything in here?"

"There's a couple of granola bars," Clove said tiredly, leaning against Cato "Not much else."

"We can hunt tomorrow right now I just want to sleep," Cato said, "Unless you need something."

"I'm good," Clove said with a smile "All I need right now is to be with you." Cato smiled tiredly, pressing a kiss on her lips. The food was completely forgotten as his lips claimed her and the two were lost in the distraction of each other. Both held onto each other so they could forget about their impending deaths. 

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