Chapter 1 : Emily

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 Everybody is staring at me when I barge in through the doors. Professor McClain gives me a look of disappointment. Professor McClain has been my teacher for 3 years now and has been an awesome one too. He knows that i get my work done days before it is due and that I and never late. And of course the first day of school I am late to my late to my class. I should have learned that waking up at 8:00 when I have a class 9:00 is never a good idea. Finding a parking spot is impossible. I even forgot to eat this morning. What a way to start off my senior year of college. I go to take my seat next to one of my good friends Kelly. She is a really good friend of my roommate, Avery, and we have a lot in common, other than the fact that she will never skip over the chance to go out and party. She is always finding new ways to get me to go with her. I just don't understand the appeal of going out to the bar where a bunch of horrible things happen. It just doesn't sit well with me. 

After class I gather my papers and camera so I go and get something to eat. My stomach has been making noises since I sat down and the unwanted stares gave me so much embarrassment that I want to hide under a rock. As I get up Professor McClain calls me over to his desk. "Yes?" I say as I arrive to his desk.

"Emily. There is this showcase that is happening tonight, and a I submitted your pictures-"

"I am sorry WHAT." I interrupted with a horrified look.

"Wait until I am done talking. Anyways I submitted your pictures and they would love to show them at the showcase. If your okay with it of course." He says with a big smile. "There will be people there that will want to buy your art. I guarantee there will be." 

"I would love to but I have a lot a work I need to get done." I lied.

"Bullshit." Professor McClain practically yells. "I know that you have no work and your grades support what I am saying." I look at him like he is an idiot even though he is telling the truth. I could skip a whole week of school and still be passing all of my classes with stellar grades. "How about this if you go I will make it extra credit. Even though you absolutely do not need it. 

I don't answer automatically, I have to think about it for a while. "Can I think about it?"

"Of course you can." He says with a generous smile. "If you decide to go I emailed you the details." He adds while packing his things and hinting that I have taken up most of his free time. 



"What are you screaming about?" Kelly says as she walks in. "Wait, where are you going? Avery come here. Em is actually going out tonight." she says as I show her where I am struggling the most with my dress. 

I have many dresses but I don't wear any of them, because I don't have anywhere to wear them. The one I pulled out of my closet had years worth of dust on it. I had received it as a gift from my mom before she was in and out of the hospital. She said she got it because the color remined her of me and it would good against my skin tone. The dress has a lot of meaning and wearing it tonight is hopefully going to help me stay calm and that I feel like she is right there with me. 

"OMG you look so pretty. I love the way you did your hair. You are defiantly going to attract a man wearing that. You look stunning." Avery says as she walks in to my room. "I don't understand why you don't go out with us. It would be so fun."

"Well this is probably a one time thing so don't get used to seeing me in a dress." I say 

"Where are you even going?" Kelly asks while hopping onto the bed. 

"Professor McClain submitted, without my permission, some of my pictures to a showcase. The i guess the people who are hosting it wanted me there."

"Wait so will people be able to buy your photos?" Avery asks with curiosity.

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