An Ode to Horses

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Ken's not a very good poet, but he certainly thinks he is.

They have been my biggest dream,

Nothing could live up to them, it may seem.

Ever since I saw them in that book,

The thought of them could not be shook.

Horses. Majestic creatures galloping around,

Just one look and I could almost hear the sound

Of hooves pounding the ground.

They do not merely walk - they are better,

Galloping around no matter the weather.

Ever since I was a young toy,

I chased Barbie like a silly boy.

But now I know something so much better,

And I will ride like a Western settler.

The Wild West, just sat there in wait,

For men riding horses to prove they're great.

They say those days are gone now,

As useless as an old, broken plow.

But all we need are horses and land,

Just like a beach needs its sand.

We asked Mattel for its best try,

For the arrival of horses so fast they might fly.

I went out and scoped out the land,

For a place where horses soon will stand.

And I did find the perfect spot,

But Mattel said "Wait," so I sat and thought.

Thought about the world and all its flaws,

And how if we just could take horses and pause

And ride, and ride, and ride.

And soon one fateful day,

The horses came, here to stay.

The horses galloped in all their glory,

Finishing this lovely story.

Because now the horses have arrived,

And I will no longer be deprived.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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