The Unfulfilled Desire to Find Out More

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POV Margot Robbie's Barbie

BarbieLand is bright and colorful. The Real World is less so. Mattel, though, is kind of even worse. I mean, for the people who made the Barbies, you'd think they would have come up with something better than rows and rows of dull cubicles. I mean, one weird place where the ghost of their founder hangs out in and another conference room with a lot of windows can't really make up for that. The whole rest of the place is dim and dreary and gray (with a little beige thrown in for variety). Basically, it sucks (and not just because they tried to hold me there in a box). Even more so because there are clearly some very creative people there (I mean, they did create me. Not that I was their most creative creation, but I did manage to turn into a full human), so there was definitely some potential for a nice office.

But I was going to break into there. I had been in there before, but I had been captured and then had to escape, so there was a lot that I had missed. And I wanted to see it. After all, it was the place that I had come from. It seemed only natural that I wanted to see more of it.

Gloria still worked for Mattel, but she was still classified as pretty suspicious given all that had happened, so it wasn't as though I could rely on her to help me slip in. I was going to have to do this on my own.

The strategy had to start with a disguise. As bland and non descriptive as possible, of course. Clothing without a single actual color was a must (despite how so very strange that looked to me). What kind of Barbie isn't constantly in bright colors? This one now, I guess. Just for a few hours, though, I assured myself. The good thing about my disguise is that since everyone else also associates Barbies with only wearing overly (in their opinion) bright colors, the odds that they would be able to instantly recognize me without this crucial eye-catcher were much lower than they would have been otherwise.

After the outfit change, I made sure that I had a wallet with all of the official human identification Gloria had made me come with her to get (the guy at the social security office took a very long time to be convinced of my story. For some odd reason he had never even considered that a place like BarbieLand would exist, let alone the possibility that a doll might be able to leave there and become human). I was bringing these just in case I was stopped by a security guard at the entrance in order to prove that I really was, in fact, a real human being that just so happened to look a tiny bit like a certain very popular doll.

More importantly, however, I needed to come up with a reason to be just hanging around Mattel. I had come up with several ideas, including pretending that I was visiting my cousin at work, pretending that I was visiting my uncle at work, and pretending that I was visiting my brother at work. Unfortunately for all of these, this might lead to the question of what the name of my random (and imaginary) relative was. Also, maybe why I was visiting them at work. So those were probably out. But then Sasha had suggested that I just say I work there as someone's secretary and that I was only recently hired should anyone ask why they hadn't seen me around before. So I went with that plan.

Of course, this plan did require props, so I procured an assortment of pens (red ballpoint, blue felt tip, black gel pen, etc.) as well as a notebook that didn't have too much writing in it (there was a year-old grocery list on the first page, but it appeared to have been abandoned after the purchase of asparagus).

And then, with my story straight and my disguise in place, I set off back into Mattel.

The security guard that I encountered at the front enterance didn't really seem to care about me, which made me think that he wasn't very good at his job. Which was good for me, but probably bad for the security of the building. He let me go in without a second look, not even wanting to hear how I had been hired a week ago and had just started work the day before. If I'm being honest, I was actually a little disappointed that I didn't get to tell him my story because the way it happened was kind of underwhelming.

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