Thoughts of Death and Joys of Living

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Away from the constraints of her former plastic world, Barbie felt alive. With every early morning walk, every hug, every change in temperature, she just felt this rush of emotion that she had never experienced before. It was amazing.

Except, Barbie knew it wouldn't last. A doll, theoretically, could live forever. A human couldn't. And so, on those days where the pace of life seemed to slow to a stop as Barbie waited in a long line or found herself locked in a tedious conversation, she certainly found herself regretting the choice to become real, feeling it was all being wasted away. Because being real is hard. There are deadlines and inconveniences; there is sadness and misery.

But, there is also joy. Every single day, Barbie found something new she enjoyed about being human, about living in the real world, about being real. Even though she didn't have all the answers yet, the feeling that she at least knew the questions was irreplaceable. Barbie knew she would never have all the answers about the world, or even just all the answers about herself, but she had come a step closer. And every day, with every new discovery, she took another step.

The worry that Barbie's place in the world had become temporary was replaced by the reassurance that at least she had gone out into uncharted territory, blazing a path for herself, and, maybe, just maybe, any Barbies who might wish to follow. At least she couldn't now be so quickly shoved aside and forgotten when the next hit toy came along. Because she was here now, she was living now, and that would have to be enough.

A Collection of Oneshots for the Barbie MovieWhere stories live. Discover now