[Table of Contents]

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Guest x noob
Blue guest x Bacon
Slender x cnp?
Acorn x lavender
Noodle hair x pizza girl
Table of contents:
Chapter 1: [The Guests]
Chapter 2: [Noob's new friend]
Chapter 3: [Under Control]
Chapter 4: [Friends with benefits]
Chapter 5: [Obsession]
Chapter 6: [Prom]
Chapter 7: [Prom part 2]
Chapter 8: [Prom part 3]
Chapter 9: [Prom part 4]
Chapter 10: [Stargazing]
Chapter 11: [Caught]
Chapter 12: [misunderstanding]
Chapter 13: [Her red eyes]
Chapter 14: [Hold on, I THINK IM GAY]
[more coming soon]
Blue guest: chill?
Guest: moody
Lavender: dumb
Acorn: protective
Bacon: spoiled
Pizza girl: hyper
Noodle hair: Sassy
Cnp: flirty
Slender: Responsible
Noob: ahhagahhaa idfkk twin zz help :33

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