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It's been two weeks since Wei Ying appeared as a child. During that time, Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren, and Lan Wangji were all looking for some sort of answer to what happened. During the two weeks, each day they woke up, something different comes to change. Some of the buildings in Cloud Recesses either disappeared or reappeared. Some people who were supposed to be dead were found alive...meaning they died during the ambush long ago involving the Wen Sect.

Speaking of the Wen Sect, Wen Ning stopped by because something happened. He passed out one evening which shouldn't have happened. He was a conscious corpse so fainting shouldn't be a thing. When he woke up, however, he had his heart beating again and life was back in his body. Sizhui had disappeared and soon found in Dafan with his village.

Those Dafan Wen's were alive! Wen Qing was there and alive. The existence of the Wen sect itself was gone. It was like the war still happened and they won. Chifeng Zun was also alive and was proclaimed as Xiandu (Chief Cultivator) instead of Jin Guangshan. Lan Xichen even got word that the Jin heirs are alive and well and Jin Zixuan was to be married soon to Jiang Yanli.

"The Jiang's are alive?" Wangji asked, "What is happening?"

"It's like someone went back in time and removed A'Xian and changed the outcome of everything. The war still happened but since A'Xian is now in this timeline and not where he should have been, none of what he has been through actually happened. Which means everything has changed," Lan Xichen said.

"So, what about Su She and Jin Guangyao?" Wangji asked.

"That is still a mystery at this point," Xichen said, "but whatever happened changed everything."

"So bringing Wei Ying to the future basically means that he didn't go through any of those hardships," Wangji said, "the current Wei Ying disappeared the moment the child Wei Ying appeared in the future...meaning the present timeline."

"Who in the world would even think of something like this?" Xichen asked.

"I have a theory," Wangji said.

"What?" Lan Qiren questioned.

"Nie Huaisang...he was the one who brought about everything with Jin Guangyao. Who's to say he didn't try something to see if he could bring his brother back?" Wangji suggested, "after all ChiFeng Zun is alive and Chief Cultivator. It can't be just a coincidence."

"I don't know if A'Ying should leave the sect, especially unattended. As he is but a small boy again, he could be educated and learn to cultivate again," Lan Qiren explained, "Wangji, I will let you do that. I have a feeling A'Ying would do better learning from you."

"Of course, are there any guides you have that will assist me?" Wangji asked.

"I can get you some of my old materials," Lan Qiren answered, "let him get a little more comfortable being here and you can start with his teachings in maybe a week or two."

Wangji nodded. He told Wei Ying that he needed to speak to his Uncle for a moment so he was left in the Jingshi. Wangji didn't want to be gone for too much longer so he left before Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen and went back to his residence. When Wangji returned to the Jingshi, he saw Wei Ying was still at the desk where he left him. He was still drawing and painting as to when Wangji left earlier.

"Wei Ying," Wangji called out.

Wei Ying set his brush down and smiled as he got up and walked over to him, "Er-Gege!" He said. As soon as he hopped Wangji caught him and held him, "you were gone for a long time."

"My apologies," Wangji said as he walked over to his desk where Wei Ying was drawing, "anything good you want to show me?"

Wei Ying was let down and he picked up his most recent drawing, "I drew you!" He said happily and gave it to Wangji.

Wei Ying was let down and he picked up his most recent drawing, "I drew you!" He said happily and gave it to Wangji

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Wangji looked at the painting and saw he was sitting and reading. He found it to be a nice drawing. He then noticed the flower in his hair, "why the flower?" He asked.

"Because it brings out your handsome face," Wei Ying said.

Wangji chuckled and sat the drawing down. He was definitely still shameless as he used to be, "you do not say," Wangji said.

"Yes!" He said, "can I ask you something?"

"You can," Wangji said as he sat down at the desk and he was now more eye level with Wei Ying.

"You have a sword," He said, "my parents had one too. They told me they were cultivators and they had to train to use them. Do you do the same?"

"I do," Wangji said as he held out his sword, "its name is Bichen. You are at the age where you can start building a golden core. When you are strong enough, you can start using your own and learning how to be a cultivator too."

"Bichen?" Wei Ying said as his fingers lightly caressed the delicate features that were displayed on the hilt and sheathe, "it's really pretty. I can learn this?"

"You can," Wangji told him, "would you like to learn?"

"Is it difficult?" Wei Ying asked.

"It is, but when you work hard you will succeed in it," Wangji assured him.

"I don't mind working hard. I just want to be like my parents. Learn what they used to do," Wei Ying said.

"Then you can learn," Wangji said, "are you okay with me teaching you?"

"You will teach me?" Wei Ying asked. He has such an eager appearance on his face.

"I will," Wangji nodded.

"I would like that, so you'd be my Shifu?" He asked.

"You can continue to call me as you normally do," Wangji told him, "but yes."

"When can we start?" Wei Ying asked.

"Well, the first thing before you start using a sword is to build a golden core. Have your parents told you about it?" Wangji asked.

"They have. They told me that it's like another life force and it's an energy that only certain people are born to be able to use," Wei Ying explained.

"That is correct," Wangji said, "I would like you to learn more about cultivating and building your core. I will guide you as you learn."

"Okay, I'm so excited," Wei Ying said. Lan Wangji was so intrigued by Wei Ying. Not knowing if he'd be able to get him back to his adult form or if he has to let him grow as is again, he will still be Wei Ying's everything. Wangji just wanted to understand how all this has happened.

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