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Wei Ying was cleaned up with a warm bath and his wounds were tended to and dressed in clean new robes. When food was served, Wei Ying didn't care if it was bland or not, he was just happy that he had food. Lan Qiren knows that he may not enjoy the Lan food but he will try to help him adapt...maybe ask the cooks to adjust for him specifically. Wei Ying was just eating rice and fried vegetables. He was so underweight for his age and Lan Qiren needed to have a healer look over him to see just how much he needs to do to get back to good health.

"Do you know my parents?" Wei Ying asked Lan Qiren.

"I know them," Lan Qiren replied, "I am sorry they are not here with you physically but they will always be with you spiritually. They were good people and always liked helping people."

"Do you help people too?" Wei Ying asked.

"I do, I am from one of the founding sects, the Lan Sect, and that is where you will be staying from now on," Lan Qiren explained, "You will be educated, have a place to call home, and learn to cultivate."

"Home?" Wei Ying asked.

"Yes, home," Lan Qiren replied.

In the past, Wei Ying wanted a place to call home. Place where he did not have to worry about losing. A place with people who accepted him and loved him with every flaw he had, and he would love those people back even more so. Lan Qiren was blinded in the past by judgment but after the misfortunes Wei Ying faced, Lan Qiren began to respect him.

After eating, Wei Ying went to lay down as he was tired and a bit cold. It was late so he just went to bed. By morning, the four Lans and Wei Ying were on their way back to Cloud Recesses. When they reached the gate, Wei Ying felt a bit overwhelmed by the wall of rules.

"That is a lot of words," Wei Ying said.

"You will learn them and learn to adapt," Lan Qiren said.

Wei Ying nodded.

"Didi, perhaps we could look through them and reevaluate them," Lan Xiang suggested.

Lan Qiren sighed, they were a huge reason for their strict teaching but also successful students, "perhaps some of them could be revised," Lan Qiren said.

"Where do I stay?" Wei Ying asked.

"You will be with me until you are old enough to have your own space," Lan Qiren said.

"Okay," Wei Ying nodded and looked at the other two boys. He kept glancing over at Wangji in particular, "is he an angel?" Wei Ying asked.

"Who?" Lan Xiang asked.

"Ugh, him," Wei Ying pointed to Wangji, "he is pretty."

Lan Xiang and Lan Qiren found it amusing. Wei Ying already staked his claim. Wangji was blushing from the comment, "Lan Zhan, my name is Lan Zhan."

"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying said and stood beside him, "I am Wei Ying."

Wangji nodded, "nice to meet you, Wei Ying. This is my older brother Lan Xichen."

Wei Ying looked at the taller boy, "Hi, another pretty face...is this sect made of angels?" He asked.

"No," Lan Xiang answered, "but you are a cute kid yourself."

"My momma always called me handsome, not cute," Wei Ying said.

"You are both," Wangji stated.

Ying blushed, "Lan Zhaan," he whined quietly.

"Wei Ying, since it's still early in the day, I want to take you to our infirmary to let a healer look at you. You have been on the streets alone for a little while and I want to make sure you are not carrying infections or anything. Plus you are underweight for your age. I also want your wounds looked at thoroughly," Lan Qiren said.

"Okay," Wei Ying said and left with Lan Qiren to the infirmary.

Just like the past timeline, there is a healer that is known as Healer Lan Mei. She is kind and motherly to younger patients, and she is very knowledgeable in her field. Despite being a bit younger than the other healers, she was the best one for Wei Ying's case.

"Well who do we have here?" Healer Mei asked kindly.

"I am Wei Ying, Shufu wanted me to get looked at because I was on the streets for a while, and attacked by dogs."

"You poor thing, come and sit on the bed here and I can look at you," she said, "can I remove your robes? You can leave your pants on."

Wei Ying nodded and let the healer do her work. They took a couple blood samples just to make sure he wasn't carrying anything infectious. Healer Mei also tended to the bite marks on his arms and legs. She had better cleaning material and it didn't sting as much. Though, as she tended to them, Wei Ying was trying his best to hold back his tears. His momma didn't like seeing him sad or cry so she had always said to always try to be happy. He couldn't right now though as the pain of the bite wounds was too much.

"What is wrong, Child?" Healer Mei asked, "You look like you are close to crying."

"It hurts," Wei Ying said, "but even if I am in pain I promised my momma that even if I am in a bad place I should always find a way to be happy."

"It is not a bad thing to cry if you are in pain," Healer Mei told him, "it helps you release pent up emotions and after a good cry you will feel a bit more relieved."

"Why did your mother tell you this?" Lan Qiren asked.

"She said my smile is too bright and pretty to keep hidden by a frown or tears," Wei Ying replied, "I told her I would always try to be happy for her. She always seemed to make everything better even when we were in a bad situation."

Lan Qiren nodded, "well you do not have to hide your pain. You are human after all and you should come forward if you are feeling upset or hurt."

"Okay," Wei Ying said, "will these bites be painful for a while?"

"No, the ointment I have for them has a numbing agent to it so it will keep the pain down for a while. If the pain returns just clean them and reapply it," Healer Mei said and turned to Lan Qiren, "as you know he is malnourished so he should be on a strict diet to gain his weight back."

"Write down the foods you suggest and then I can bring it up to the cooks at the dining hall," Lan Qiren said, "is there anything else?"

"Aside from the wounds and the weight, Wei Ying is free to go," she said, "he can get some exercise in to help him build up some strength too. Just make sure to balance it well."

"Thank you Healer Mei," Lan Qiren said.

"Have him come to me weekly to keep a check on his weight," Healer Mei said.

"Alright," Lan Qiren said and let Wei Ying dress before they left the infirmary.

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