♡ Chapter- 34 ♡

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[ So here's is second update my lovelies. I just want to clear that the reason I have given to make Ferica alright that I read in article online so I don't know if it is really true or not. As I am a complete math student so that means I am not a biology student , so please belive it as even I don't have any knowledge about the biology stuff and I don't even know that it is possible or not. Thank you so much everyone , always stay happy and hydrated:) ]

--------------------------He was her dracula and she was his short cake---------------------------

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

He was her dracula
she was his short cake


After having lunch Ekansh was working on his laptop while Ferica was listening to songs humming softly. There was knock on the door as Ekansh said in his usual cold voice "Come in" . There was his secretary was standing with file in her hands and she made a disguisting face when she saw Ferica sitting there.

Ekansh noticed that and said coldly to his secretary " Miss you are fired , don't come from tomorrow." His secretary was shocked hearing him as she asked " What sir , but why , what did I even did?"

Ekansh chuckled darkly at her question and said " Miss what do you think I didn't noticed that you were making disguisting faces towards my woman , also how you declined her call when I told you to bring my call from my cabin and on top of that you were trying to get my attention. Do you think me as fool or something huhh."

Her eyes widened hearing him as she said going towards him trying to hold his arms " Sir please don't fire me , please. I have bills to pay please sir." Ekansh looked at her darkly and yelled at her removing her hands from his arms harshly " You woman don't you dare touch me , no other woman can touch me except my love , so keep that dirty hands to yourself. "

Saying these he threw the chair on the wall with full force making loud thud and his secretary shivered in fear. Hearing a loud thud Ferica removed the airpods from her ears and asked him worridely "Ansh what happened , I just heard something fall loudly , are you ok."

His eyes which were red in anger immediately soften taking his secretary in shock and he gestured his secretary with a hard glare to get out and his secretary immediately went out his cabin running for her life. " Yes precious everything is perfectly alright mhmm , you don't worry." He said making her nod her head with a smile and she again started listening to music.

He sighed in relif and called his guards to clean the mess and with that again he went to his work. It was currently 7:00 p.m in the evening when he completed all his works. He then saw his precious who was sleeping peacefully on the couch.

He smiled looking at her and going towards her he caressed her hair waking her up. She opened her eyes and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and said " Come on precious it's time for your therapy sessions mhmm."

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