14 "I'll reveal everything."

Start from the beginning

After we went clubbing, we all got girls and took them to a nearby bar, apparently they all had fake I.D. I, of course, took So Young. We had Rap Monster, who's already 21, buy us all drinks. The bar guy was too careless to notice us, I saw another girl in the corner of my eye, but it was blurry because I was a little drunk, "Sae Yeon?"

Sae Yeon POV

After we left the Kim Manor, we decided to go to a bar instead of home. I called Ashley, So Eun, Sung Jae, BamBam, Lay, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun. They all gave me their condolences, and I thanked them. Sung Jae apparently wasn't at the wedding because he was filming something, whoops didn't even notice XD. Obviously, we couldn't drink, so we just all ordered Italian Sodas or something, I took a sip and exhaled, "You guys all have to watch the press conference tomorrow, okay?!"

"Why?" Oh my gosh, that voice... it was Taehyung. Are you kidding me? He's already with a girl?

"What do you want, you're drunk." I said in a monotone.


"YAH! DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN DO THIS TO ME?! YOU MARRIED ME, SO YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF ME! YOU'RE TAKING ME HOME AFTER I'M DONE MACKING ON THIS GIRL, OKAY?!" With that, he left with the girl, I guess to 'mack'? Min Hyuk put his arm around my shoulders, "Are you gonna?"

"Tch, no. I don't even have a car, you have to drop me home."

"Yup, that's right hahahaha," We all laughed and had a good time.


"You guys wanna leave now?" I asked,


"Alright, let's go!"

Min Hyuk and I made sure everyone left safely, and we left last together. When we got to my house, I asked him to wait until I went inside, he nodded. I was gonna go in the door, but there was a paper,

"Vacant since May 13th at 12:00 pm. DO NOT ENTER!"

"Is anything wrong?" Min Hyuk asked behind me, "Yeah... look at this! It means that they planned everything beforehand! Even the car accident then...! I need to take a picture of this!" I patted my jeans, but my phone wasn't there.


"What? Where's your phone?!"

"I think I left it at the bar!"

"Well, let's go!"

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, oppa! To put you through this trouble!"

"Anything for you." That made me blush a little~ But I need to find my phone.

Taehyung POV

The drunk girl smashed her lips against mine, and I didn't like it,

"Ay! Get away from me!"


"Ugh..." I went to look for Sae Yeon, "Did she leave? What's this?" I picked up a phone, and turned it on. The wallpaper was Sae Yeon and Min Hyuk, "This is the phone she waved in front of me! Why is Min Hyuk her wallpaper?! How long?! AISH!" I threw the phone across the room to the wall, and I sat down on the couch with my head in my hands.

Sae Yeon POV

Min Hyuk and I ran inside the bar and ran towards the couch we sat on. "Sae Yeon?" Taehyung asked on the couch, but I ignored him, where is it?! He grabbed my shoulders, "Sae Yeon!" Aish... he REEKS of alcohol!

"Move!" I got rid of his grip, and I found my phone.... smashed into pieces. Taehyung.

I turned around and walked to Taehyung, "Sae Yeon-ah~~~" I slapped him, and he smirked, so I slapped him again. Even harder. "Yah!" Jungkook came to his aid, "Stop hitting hyung!"

"YAH! Are you even a man?! YOU JUST HAD TO CRUSH MY PHONE! YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS, YOU SON OF A--" Min Hyuk covered my mouth, but I let go of his grip.

"What are you talking about?!" Jungkook yelled.

"YOU WOULD'VE KNOWN IF YOU WATCH OUR CONFERENCE TOMORROW. BUT NO, HE CRUSHED ALL THE DATA AND THE MEMORY." I said pointing at Taehyung, I knocked him out with one hard punch. I grabbed my phone and left the bar with Min Hyuk.

"Ugh, where am I gonna stay now?!" I asked,

"You could stay at my place~ My parents would totally let you in." Min Hyuk said, I smiled and nodded. When we got to his house, his parents opened the door,

"Sae Yeon!" They hugged me, and tears formed in my eyes, I miss this hug. I never got this hug even when my parents were alive, last time I had it with my parents was when I was little... "Sae Yeon-ah... You can stay with us for as long as you want. We'll be your family." I nodded and sniffled.

"Um, Mrs. Lee?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Can we go somewhere real quick and come back?"

"Of course. We'll be waiting. Here's a spare key for this house."

"Thank you so much." I bowed and left,

"Where do you need to go?" Min Hyuk asked,

"I can show you the way. We're going to the marriage house I lived in with Taehyung."

He nodded. When we got there, I knew where we hid the spare key to the house, so I got it and opened the door. I went upstairs and packed my stuff and left, I took out my DSLR camera to take the picture of the picture on the door. We left to go to my house again, I took the picture and went back in the car. "You ready to leave?" Min Hyuk asked, "Wait~" I dialed Mr. Cha's number.

"Yes, Sae Yeon-ssi?"

"Mr. Cha! Do you know the head doctor we sent off's number?"

"Yes, I will text it to you."

"Alright, thanks. Why are you still awake? It's 1:00am!"

"I'm ordered to stay alert for your calls."

"Well... usually I'm asleep at this time, Mr. Cha. Go ahead and go to sleep :)"

"Alright, thank you, Sae Yeon-ssi. Have a nice night."

"You too."

*hangs up*

I dialed the head doctor's number,

"*yawns & exhales* hello?"

"Is this the head doctor of Byul Hope Hospital?"

"Used to, yes?"

"This is Park Sae Yeon."


"Look, I have a deal for you."

"Sae Yeon-ssi, I'm not interested in money anymore... I need a new job for constant money for my family.."

"I'll give you a job at a hospital I know personally. It pays more, and you will prosper easily."

"...What do I have to do?"

"Alright, right now it's 1:30am, all you need to do is show up at the address I text you, and give your testimony on how Mrs. Kim bribed you to kill my parents."

"Ok, I'll do it, just promise to get me a job that will provide for my family."

"Of course."

*hangs up*

"Let's go home!" I said smiling at Min Hyuk, he smiled back as we headed off to his house. I can't wait for later today...

A/N: OHHH! Is it going to end right here? Sae Yeon has everything figured out!

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