03:Sukuna// unique curse

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No warnings yayyyy

In the center of the room stood Sukuna, the King of Curses, his malevolent presence radiating an aura of danger. Y/N, a cursed being with a mysterious and dark past, faced Sukuna with a mixture of defiance and intrigue.Sukuna's eyes, gleaming with a sinister glint, locked onto Y/N. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he mused, his voice dripping with malicious amusement. "A cursed soul that piques my interest. You're not like the others."Y/N, their expression unreadable, met Sukuna's gaze with a hint of challenge. "I could say the same about you, Sukuna. What brings you here?"A wicked grin stretched across Sukuna's face as he circled Y/N, a predator assessing its prey. "Curiosity, my dear. I've heard whispers about a cursed being with a unique power, and I couldn't resist investigating."Y/N tensed, fully aware of Sukuna's reputation as a fearsome and unpredictable curse. "Well, you found me. What do you want?"

Sukuna chuckled, the sound sending shivers down Y/N's spine. "I want to see what makes you so special. Show me your cursed technique, entertain me, and maybe, just maybe, I won't crush you."Y/N took a deep breath, tapping into the dark energy that flowed within them. A surge of power enveloped their form, shadows dancing around as their cursed technique manifested. The room seemed to darken further, a tangible force field of malevolence surrounding Y/N.Sukuna observed with a twisted delight. "Interesting. Let's see if you can withstand this." With a swift motion, Sukuna unleashed a barrage of cursed energy, aiming to test the limits of Y/N's defenses.

Y/N, however, proved to be a formidable adversary. They countered Sukuna's onslaught with a surge of their own cursed power, the clash creating a chaotic display of destructive energy. The room trembled under the intensity of their battle, the air crackling with the ominous energy of curses.As the confrontation reached its peak, Sukuna couldn't help but feel a begrudging respect for Y/N's strength. The encounter became a dance of shadows and malevolent power, a testament to the untamed nature of curses.In the end, the room fell silent, the remnants of their clash dissipating into the darkness. Sukuna, his interest still piqued, smirked. "You're not bad, cursed one. Perhaps our paths will cross again."With that, Sukuna vanished into the shadows, leaving Y/N alone in the eerie room. The encounter had been a test, a taste of the perilous world they inhabited. As the echoes of Sukuna's presence lingered, Y/N couldn't help but wonder what other dark secrets awaited them in the realm of curses.Weeks passed since the encounter between Sukuna, the King of Curses, and Y/N, the cursed being. The memory of their clash lingered in the shadows, and an unforeseen twist of fate brought them face to face once more.

This time, the meeting was less confrontational. Y/N found themselves in the midst of another cursed incident, drawn to the chaos that Sukuna inevitably left in his wake. As they navigated the turbulent battleground of curses, Sukuna observed from the shadows with a hint of fascination."You again," Sukuna's voice echoed in the air, his tone more amused than hostile.

Y/N glanced around, acknowledging Sukuna's presence. "Seems like you have a knack for trouble, Sukuna."Sukuna chuckled, the sound sending shivers down Y/N's spine. "Trouble finds me, cursed one. But I can't deny that your presence makes things more interesting."As they battled side by side against the encroaching curses, a strange camaraderie began to form between Sukuna and Y/N. There was an unspoken understanding, a connection forged in the crucible of shared danger. Sukuna, despite his malevolence, couldn't deny the allure of Y/N's strength and resilience.In the aftermath of the skirmish, Sukuna lingered, his eyes meeting Y/N's with an intensity that went beyond the usual animosity. "You've got spirit, cursed one. I'll give you that."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, sensing a shift in Sukuna's demeanor. "What's your game, Sukuna?"Sukuna smirked, a sly gleam in his eyes. "No game, just an observation. You're not like the others I encounter. There's something intriguing about you."

As time went on, Sukuna's interest in Y/N evolved into something unexpected. He found himself drawn to their enigmatic presence, captivated by the mystery that surrounded them. The malevolent King of Curses, known for his ruthlessness, began to experience a perplexing emotion—something that resembled fascination, perhaps even a form of attraction.Caught off guard by these newfound feelings, Sukuna struggled to comprehend the complexity of his emotions. Y/N, too, found themselves navigating uncharted territory as they grappled with the realization that the King of Curses might harbor more than just a passing interest.After a few months they have become remotely more closer,Sukuna meets y/n every so often,offering a duel s.This time, the meeting was less confrontational.The night hung heavy with an impending sense of danger as Sukuna and Y/N found themselves facing a group of rogue sorcerers who sought to exploit the chaos of curses for their own gains. The air crackled with tension as curses and sorcery clashed in a chaotic symphony.

Sukuna, reveling in the chaos, unleashed his formidable cursed techniques, a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Y/N moved with a fluid grace, their own cursed abilities intertwining seamlessly with Sukuna's destructive power. The sorcerers, realizing the formidable opponents they faced, tried desperately to gain the upper hand.Amid the tumult of battle, Y/N stole a moment to confront Sukuna amidst the swirling shadows and malevolent energy. "Sukuna," they called out over the cacophony, "we need to coordinate better if we're going to make it out of this alive."Sukuna smirked, acknowledging the truth in Y/N's words. "Fine, cursed one. Let's see what you're made of."

As they fought side by side, an unspoken synergy developed between Sukuna and Y/N. It was a dance of destruction, a deadly alliance forged in the crucible of combat. The sorcerers, realizing they were outmatched, began to retreat, leaving the battlefield in disarray.With the threat momentarily quelled, Sukuna and Y/N stood amidst the remnants of the conflict. The air was thick with residual curses, but an unexpected quiet settled between them.Y/N turned to Sukuna, their gaze holding a mixture of gratitude and something deeper. "Thanks for having my back, Sukuna."Sukuna, caught off guard by the sincerity in Y/N's tone, grunted in acknowledgment. "Don't get sentimental, cursed one. It was for my benefit as much as yours."But Y/N wasn't deterred. "There's something I need to tell you, Sukuna."Sukuna raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sudden shift in the conversation. "Speak then, cursed one."Taking a deep breath, Y/N confessed, "I... I care about you, Sukuna. In a way, I never thought I would for someone like you."Sukuna's expression remained unreadable for a moment before a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. "Feelings, cursed one? How amusing. But I suppose I don't entirely hate the idea."Y/N chuckled nervously, the gravity of their confession settling between them. The night, once filled with the sounds of battle, now held a different resonance—an acknowledgment of emotions in the midst of chaos.

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