"What happened," he demanded.

"G-Goldi..." Momo cried, "S-s-she k-knows... t-told her f-f-fri-friend..."


Momo only started to wail. She was gasping for air, but she still felt desperately suffocated.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm a mess, should've listened to you..."

"..." Muffin stared at her, thoughts swirling.

"I'll leave her to you guys. I'm sure I can sneak some meatballs and apples from the nearby houses," Muffin said after a while of contemplation.

As a ghost, he was free to go as he wished, but he had decided to remain inside the Ghost House most of the time. The more malicious ones had already tainted the image of ghosts as-is. Until he could witness the fate of sorcerers turning to a brighter page, he wouldn't let himself be exorcised by some warlock who couldn't tell good and bad apart.

Muffin knew, logically, he should feel happy that he was right, after all. That she was wrong for not listening to him in the first place. Yet he couldn't bring himself to. Only then had he realized that he, too, was hoping that the witch who went by the name Goldiha Avian would be different from others, that she would be willing to take care of Momo - if not as a sorceress then as a cat.

Were sorcerers born solely to suffer? To challenge what even they could not fathom? He found himself empathizing with the little black cat, hoping what she had witnessed to be untrue. Hoping that there was finally a chance.

He had half a mind to curse the witch along with her friend and her cat who had hypnotized Momo into believing in miracles, as powerful and free a ghost as he was, but he couldn't bring himself to. Momo would never forgive him for that.

His eyes were suddenly drawn to the figure of a cat striding on the rooftop. Another, much smaller creature - a frog - perched on its back, calling out commands.

The cat's actions were laced with uncertainty, as if he had never done such stunts before. Adding that to his fluffy, clean fur, he seemed to be a house cat.

One who lived in extravagance. Many times the kind of life he wished he had - and even moreso, he wished she could've had.

"By the way, do you know what a ghost looks like?" the frog asked the cat.

"Not in close quarters. There are ghosts on the Candy Race at the Candy Cup, so I've caught a glimpse," the cat replied, "What about you, then?"

"I also saw them at the race through broadcast, but I haven't encountered one before, though they said that the Academy is haunted. Maybe they're in the restricted areas, while we ourselves have our moves confined. Humans can't fully trust sorcerers yet, but that price is little to pay compared to the chance of proper magic education."

"I'm not sure that's the kind of price Momo would be willing to pay," the grey cat commented; the mention of the black cat's name perked Muffin's interest, "As far as I know, she wouldn't enjoy losing her freedom - to humans, no less. Not when she's feeling like she had just gained it alas. Heck, I'm not even sure if she's willing to listen to you, considering her trust issues and all..."

"I'll just have to try. I'm a living evidence that sorcerers can indeed get a fulfilled life."

"What if she doesn't want to live as a sorceress?" the cat retorted.

"Just let me try," the frog said.

"So you're the cat Momo told me about," Muffin glided up to their post and spoke up, "Teris, the one who convinced her of a life within the human society."

Magic Cat Academy: The Adventures of MomoWhere stories live. Discover now