Chapter Five: Gringotts - Part 4

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Harry stared at the results, reading them for the fourth time. He was beyond furious and betrayed. Harry didn't like the feeling, hated it in fact. Growling he goes over the results again.

Magical abilities and blocks:

Magic dampener (James and Lily Potter, July 31st 1981 - scheduled to be removed in 1982)
Parseltongue (Blocked; 100% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {15% Broken}
Parselmagic (Blocked; 100% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {0% Broken}
Magic Core (Blocked; 75% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {15% Broken}
Eidetic memory (Blocked; 100% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {5% Broken}
Metamorphmagus (Blocked; 100% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {3% Broken}
Natural Occlumency (Blocked; 100% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {0% Broken}
Family Magics (Blocked; 100% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {0% Broken}
Mage Sence (Blocked; 100% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {2% Broken}

Magical bonds:

Godfather Bond (Blocked; 100% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {0% Broken}
Soul Bond (Blocked; 100% by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981) {0% Broken}

Potions & Curses:

Notice-Me-Not Keyed to Dursley Family (by A.P.W.B.D on April 6th 1982)
Blood Glamour Keyed to James Potter (by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981)

Compulsion Charm; Personality Change
Anti - Social
Hate Potion;
Severus Snape
Dark Arts
Trigger word(s);

Magical compulsions:
Loyalty Keyed to; (by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981 – to activate upon meeting)
Albus Dumbledore
Weasley Family
Ronald Weasley (added March 12th 1991)
Hermoine Granger (added July 6th 1992)
Distrust Keyed to; (by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981 – to activate upon meeting)
Severus Snape
Malfoy Family
Trigger word(s):
Parents, Mother, Father, James, Lily, Potter.
Slytherin, Malfoy.
Mail Ward Keyed to Albus Dumbledore (by A.P.W.B.D on November 1st 1981)

Harry felt conned, Albus Bloody Dumbledore was not the grandfatherly persona he claimed to be but a manipulative, spiteful asshole. Betrayed by someone he felt he could trust caused his anger to explode.

Harry roared in betrayal as furniture, tables, and other things broke from his anger and pain. Exhausted he stopped and flopped down on the bed, he missed the look of shock and awe on Snapjaw's face.

Harry clenched his jaw as he felt tears rolling down his face. He didn't want to cry because of Dumbledore but then he thought of his friends. They used loyalty potions to keep him loyal to them! Harry no longer able to hold onto his emotions burst into tears which soon turned to heaving sobs.

Harry flinched as something red caught his eye. Bewildered at what he found, fiery red locks, attached to his head. Frowning, he ran his hand through his hair startled when it kept going.

"Would you like a mirror, Heir Potter?" Snapjaw asked her voice weird, it almost sounded like—wonder? That can't be right.

"Yes, please." Harry said, sniffling the last of his tears. He watched in amazement as Snapjaw summoned a full-length mirror. Harry got up from the bed and stared in shocked amazement.

He was pretty, not like girly but pretty like a boy. His hair reached to his waist and was red, not like Ginny's but a deep fiery red. Like Mom's, Harry thought as he gently touched the soft locks. Turning from side to side, he noticed his ears were oddly shaped. Like a High Elf.

His eyes were the same green but almost looked like they were glowing. As he played with his hair he noticed that his nails were the same color as his skin. Like they had nail polish but natural.

His teeth were straighter and a pearly white, some of his teeth looked a little sharper than others, like fangs but much smaller. His lips were also softer and pinker.

Harry liked the new look it felt more like him—wait—no—Hadrian. He felt like Hadrian and being Hadrian felt more like himself than Harry ever did. More than Freak or Boy.

Hadrian turned back to the bed after crying so much he was exhausted. He needed a nap. Thank Merlin the blood glamour was gone.

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When Hadrian woke up he felt groggy. For a few seconds, he forgot that the man he thought of as a grandfather betrayed him. Forgot his two best friends were only his friends because of Dumbledore. Hadrian had never felt hate so strongly thinking about Dumbledore. It was stronger than his hate for the Dursleys, stronger than his loathing of Marge. It made his chest hurt, his fist clench and the want for revenge.

Hadrian liked this new feeling. while it made him feel powerful, he knew it was wrong to want revenge. Justice, yes but not revenge.

"Ah, Heir Potter you are finally awake." Snapjaw mused as she came up to the bed.

"How long was I out?" Hadrian asked weary. He didn't think he slept that long.

"Well the first time you were out for four hours, your last nap lasted two hours. It wasn't that long. It is currently around 6 pm but we wanted to go over things with you." Snapjaw stated as she poured a goblet of water. Hadrian took the golden cup a little unsure but drank the content. It was gilly water, Hadrian hummed at the nice refreshing taste.

"When you are done with your drink, perhaps you should get dressed so you can meet with your account managers?" Snapjaw said, her tone questioning but Hadrian knew it wasn't a suggestion. Hadrian drank the rest of the water slowly, he didn't want to get sick.

When he got dressed in Dudley's hand-me-downs he was shocked. Hadrian didn't realize it but he was taller, a lot taller. His trousers no longer hung at the end, now his ankle was exposed. His shoulders were also broader and looking down he blushed at the slightly toned stomach and pecks. He wasn't a giant, although he kinda felt like it but he was no longer just a little taller than a goblin. He was probably as tall as Dean.

Happy with this new development and continued getting dressed. Once done Hadrian rejoined Snapjaw.

"I'm ready." Hadrian stated a bounce in his step. Snapjaw raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Her lips were pursed in amusement as she guided Hadrian out of the room and led him down hallway after hallway until they reached a massive double door.

The double doors were a dark wood and nearly double his new height. The knobs were a large red jewel and Hadrian hesitated to knock. Gathering his courage he raised his hand to knock only to squeak in surprise when the doors opened. Snapjaw chuckled as Hadrian calmed down. Hadrian turned a glare to Snapjaw who just smirked.

Taking a deep breath, Hadrian walked into the room. It's big, like bigger than the last room. Similar but bigger. The desk is on the opposite side of the room, away from the door, and is twice the size. One long wall seems to be dedicated to weapons and weird objects. Hadrian suspects that they are magical devices, what they do is anyone's guess.

"Heir Potter, we hope you had a nice nap and if you have any questions, we will try our best to answer them." the previous unnamed goblin who Hadrian now remembers is Director Ragnok.

"Why was I losing memories? It wasn't on the test." Hadrian asked, Director Ragnok frowned before answering.

"It was very old Magic, before even the founder's time. It's a type of spell that if the Ministry knew it would be highly illegal, perhaps even an unforgivable. The spell is latuit vera, meaning unnoticed truths. It's a difficult spell because it takes up to four days to perform, the caster must be focused and powerful. One of the reasons it is no longer used is that to work properly the caster must build a impenetrable mindscape. It likely fell out of fashion because the victim could turn it against the caster if they were any way good at occlumency." Director Ragnok explained.

"Dumbledore created a mindscape inside your head while using the spell to build specific keywords to activate traps. The trap consisted of a series of keywords that when activated locks those memories associated with the keywords inside your mind. If not for Gringotts you would never know and even then it was an Elder that noticed." Director Ragnok continued. Hadrian's hatred for Dumbledore spiked to new levels. Hadrian will have his justice and revenge that he promised himself.

"The spell was deactivated but the keywords and traps are still in your mind. To completely get rid of the spell and its effects you must recreate your mindscape and unravel the keywords and dismantle the traps. It will be hard and will take up to a year depending on how hard you work on it. You can do it because your natural occlumency is now unblocked, before it would have been impossible." Director Ragnok continued. Hadrian was shocked.

"A year? I only have four weeks before I go back, He will just recast the spell and I will be his puppet again." Hadrian cried out, angry at the old goat.

"We have a solution to this problem but it is a delicate—shall we say situation. You will have to sign a contract and depending on this contract we can help you. If your intentions towards the goblin nation are not honorable, your memories of this conversation and the contract will be erased. We know that because of your current situation, you might be weary but we can assure you we have no ill intent." Director Ragnok explained, promising at the end.

Director Ragnok was right, Hadrian was weary but he trusted the goblin's.

"Okay, I would like to see this contract." Hadrian asked.

Privacy Contract

I _______________________________ vow that my intentions towards the Goblin Nation are pure and just. That I shall not willingly betray or harm The Goblin Nation.

I_______________________________ vow that my intentions towards previous stated name are pure, just, and beneficial to The Goblin Nation. That I shall not willingly betray or harm the previous stated name.

If either party breaks this contract they will have to be trialed before Goblin Nation.

______________________________ So Mote It Be.

______________________________ So Mote It Be.

Hadrian read the contract four times, everything seemed fair.

"This is a blood quill, you must use it to sign the contract. Do not worry it shouldn't hurt. You will feel a prick on the back of your hand and it will use the blood to write. If it does hurt tell me immediately." Director Ragnok stated. Hadrian nodded and took the blood quill. It felt warm and comfortable.

Hadrian signed barely noticing the little pinch on the back of his hand, and then watched as Director Ragnok signed it. Wait, does that say king! Hadrian stared wide-eyed at the contract but as soon as Director Ragnok sighed it a second time the parchment glowed a soft golden color and disappeared.

"Where did it go?" Hadrian asked, surprised.

"The contract was accepted by Lady Magic and sent to the archives in all government-needed places. Usually, this would mean the Ministry too but this is purely Gringotts business and shall remain only Gringotts business." Director Ragnok stated with a smirk. Hadrian got it, no nosy goats would know about it.

"Shall we get to the actual contract now, Heir Potter?" Director Ragnok asks. Hadrian nods and Director Ragnok pulls out a piece of parchment from his desk. Hadrian looks over the contract just as thoroughly as the previous one before signing it with the blood quill.

Goblin Friend Contract

I________________________ vow that I shall never willingly betray or harm the Goblin Nation. That I take the role of Goblin Friend and swear to honor the family/clan that I join to always support and protect.

I________________________ vow that I shall never willingly betray or harm previous mentioned name. That I swear to honor the Goblin Friend and invite previous mentioned name to my family/clan. To always support and protect.

If either party breaks this contract they will have to be trialed before the Goblin Nation.

______________________________ So Mote It Be.

______________________________ So Mote It Be.

Like the contract before it glowed a golden color and then disappeared. Hadrian smiled at Director Ragnok.

"Does this mean—We're family now?" Hadrian asked timidity.

"Yes, Friend Hadrian, if that is what you want. If not you can just join my clan." Director Ragnok clarified. Hadrian's heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest. He could have a family?

 Hadrian would give all his gold to have even one person who cared for him. To get it for basically free, the only cost to treat them like they should be treated blew his mind.

"I would love to be part of your family and clan." Hadrian stated almost bouncing in his chair. Director Ragnok smiled.

"In that case call me Ragnok, Friend Hadrian." Dir—Ragnok asked. Hadrian beamed at Ragnok before jumping out of his chair and hugging the goblin. Said goblin startled before returning the hug.

"Please call me Hadrian, if were to be family I want you to call me by my name not just my title." Hadrian asked, almost begging. Everything he ever wanted was within his grasp.

"Of course Hadrian, it would be an honor—" Ragnok was interrupted by a knock on the door. Signing they parted and went back to their seats.

"Remember, you must call me Director Ragnok until I say otherwise. I will explain when you will address me as Director and when to address me as Ragnok later. For now back to business." Ragnok warned before calling for the person on the other side of the door to come in. Hadrian was glad that Ragnok explained or he might have been hurt when Ragnok called him by his title. He still wasn't sure what it entailed yet but he was looking forward to finding out.

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