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Yurtha didn't understand his sister at all.

It was probably around twelve.

In Yurtha's memory, Rose was always helpless. Her routine was monotonous.

Whether she gets out of bed slowly and wanders around the garden idly, or lies in bed all day long.

At that time, it was possible because Yurtha's father didn't give Rose a tutor.

Anyway, Rose was like that.

And then, one day.

"Lady Rose stole it!"

A brother of Yurtha.

Yurtha's older brother, Dylan, hated Rose extremely. He could roughly guess what the reason was, but it was nothing in Yurtha's eyes.

Dylan struggled with what to do with Rose, and so was that day.

He accused Rose of stealing the jewel.

The method was simple. Having a maid put Dylan's jewels in Rose's room, was a trick that could be used in concubines' quarrels.

But it was definitely effective.

Many servants were being summoned, and Rose was at the center of it.

Rose looked around as if annoyed and yawned.

As she became the main character of the play, she acted as an audience.

"Rose, did you really steal it?"

The Count looked at Rose sternly.

Rose looked at Dylan who showed a proud face. And she sighed.

"Yes, I did."

Why? But why?

Yurtha simply didn't understand.

If it were him, he would have planned to drive Dylan to the edge of the cliff right away. He can never stand suffering like that.

"—Rose, did you do that? Why did you do that?"

"The jewels are pretty."

An insincere answer.

No one knows what Rose did. Even if she had an excuse, she could have gotten away with it if she had.

Furthermore, isn't she the daughter of the Count's second wife, whom he loves?

That's why things won't spread much.

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