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It was a very popular BL novel called 'The Fog Raised.'

Atmosphere as tense as walking a tightrope, intense emotions of protagonists who wanted to kill each other, and incredible writing ability that saved it.

It was a novel that I enjoyed reading.

In the world setting of this novel, there were people called 'transcendents'.

But they had a singularity.

Transcendents referred to those who were blessed by God and wielded power beyond the realm of human beings. Perhaps it was because they were blessed by God, the blood possessed by the transcendents was magical in itself, and they were completely different from ordinary people.

Seen from this point of view, the transcendents seemed to be an existence to be envious of, but in reality it was not.

Transcendents were blessed by God, but in return, "cruel pain" also followed.

Their ordinary bodies could not withstand the extraordinary blood, and they suffered as if lava flowed through their bodies.

It was the price of receiving God's blessing.

The male lead (공(top)) of this novel, Richard, was also a transcendent.

When transcendent people use their powers, they are engulfed in pain incomparable to the pain they normally felt.

The pain was called magical pain, and the Transcendents took a magic suppressor to suppress the pain.

However, 'that day' Richard didn't have a magic suppressor.

And the beginning of this story was when Argen, the number one main love interest (수 (bottom)) of the novel was overwhelmed by Richard's beauty at the time and kidnapped Richard.

Argen, who had brought Richard, realized at once that he was a Transcendent.

Fearing that he would escape by using magic, he filled the room with high-level magic constraints, and did not give him a magic suppressor so that there was no room for escape.

Without it, Richard couldn't get his original power.

As Argen wished, Richard could not do anything.

Thus, Richard experienced various types of humiliation.

Richard's pride resisted Argen, but Argen tried to trample on that arrogance.

Richard didn't give in to him, he tried to escape, and he suffered all kinds of hardships every time he failed.

'How did this end?'

It was vague, but it seemed that Richard eventually succeeded in escaping.

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