Chapter 1

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Gunwook Pov

I walked through the school halls whilst keeping my head down.
It was the first day of school and hearing all these students laugh with joy, hugging and some even crying, I felt lonelier than I ever did before. I am lonely, I can't deny that, the only friend I ever had is Matthew hyung.

Matthew hyung is a sunshine, who likes everyone and anyone. That explains why he suddenly found me 'cute' like he says it.

But don't get it wrong, it's not like I hang out with him all the time, he has his own friend group to be with. But sometimes I do wish I had someone that would stick close to me and not leaving me for someone else, is it a wishful thinking? I guess it is.

I'm alone most of the time because like I said, Matthew hyung is the only one that ever even talks to me. The students in our class are either intimidated or just doesn't notice me at all.

And right now I'm heading to class.
I'm surely gonna sit alone again, without anyone to talk to.

Why do I have to look like I'm about to fight everyone.

And why do people have to judge based on looks.

And why are people so dense to notice that someone is feeling lonely as hell.

I want someone to hug me, to smile at me, kis- wait no... NO.

In conclusion, I just want... someone, is that too much to ask? I guess it also is.


I saw an empty seat at the back and practically ran to it. Cause if I'm not gonna have friends, why not choose the seat at the back by the window. It's only logical.

I sat down and looked around. Everyone seemed so happy that it makes me want to cry at some point.

It's about time I get used to not having anyone but I really can't.

All these people being so happy with their best friends all together, gossiping, showing their new stuff they bought to their best friends, smiling and laughing together, I wish I could be one of them.

But enough lOnEly tHoUgHtS, I'm sure our homeroom teacher is gonna let us introduce ourselves.

I don't really like this bit cause girl, it's the 2nd term, everyone already knows everyone but anygays, here he comes, pray for me.

End of chapter

I hate this😭😭😭


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