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Mr.Kim:“is my eyes lying to me right now or am I really seeing my son in front of me after so many years”

He saw how much his son had grown up into a handsome man in his absence.

Seungmin(eye roll):“hello to you too, father”

He wasn't happy seeing his father but came to show him that he's doing better without him and his illegal money.

Mr.Kim:“who came to pay off the loan?”

He asked scanning out of the two who were with his son until Changbin raised the bag he brought that contained cash.

Changbin:“me,, Mr.Seo and Ms.Seo are my parents and you owe them 100M won that was left from the loan and I came to give you the money”

He explained that the loan was from the pharmacist Mr.Kim had dealt with them in the last year and recently 4 months ago.

Mr.Kim:“such horrible parents for letting their son pays for their loan”

He said after receiving the bag from Changbin which made seungmin roll his eyes again at what he said.

Seungmin:“tch...look who's talking”

Mr.Kim:“and you? Who are you? give me a name”

He then asked the youngest who just scratched the back of his neck, he didn't want to be respectful and bow to someone who treated his friend yet gang-mate like trash.

Jeongin:“I'm Yang Jeongin, I just came along because we are all friends”

Mr.Kim got close and studied his face features, he somehow seemed familiar to him. So he pointed at him...

Mr.Kim:“i see... but, you really reminds me of someone who took a loan from me”

Seungmin just slapped his forehead finding what his father said really ridiculous.

Seungmin:“you receive a loan from thousands of people so you may be mistaken, you're getting old”

Mr.Kim wasn't bothered of Seungmin's rude behavior towards him. He doesn't expect him to see him as a father figure after what he did to him and to his ex-wife.

But he ignored that and continued talking.

Mr.Kim:“no I'm sure, it was a very long time ago when I start this business, there were a "Yang" couple that took a loan for their kid but fails to pay off the dept. they left their kid in one of the orphanage because they were irresponsible of taking care of him in a tough conditions so they escape from the country to Japan”

Listening to the story he had told them, Jeongin found himself for an unknown reason reacting to what Mr.Kim says.

Changbin:“what happened to them there?”

Jeongin was also curious to know what happened to those parents after they put their kid in adoption.

Mr.Kim:“ohh... they got murdered, I send one of my cousins who worked as a hitman and I ordered him to kill them”

So horrible, another reason for Seungmin to hate his father even more.

Seungmin:“how about the kid?”

Mr.Kim:“that what's weird, I searched for that kid everywhere but couldn't find him, the parents never told me his name but after they died and learned about his name it was too late so I forgot about him”

He tried to remember the boy's name but nothing came to his mind because he dealt with a lot of people in the past years that resulted in him forgetting one small name of a boy he had never met before.

Jeongin:“do you...remember—do you remember the parents names?”

He didn't know why but he for some reason wanted to ask for their names.

Mr.Kim:“Yang Gowon and Yang Soohie”

It was them... IT WAS THEM!!!

his parents, it was his parents names, Jeongin start letting out tears as his world crash down in front of his eyes, he knows that he would stay an orphan forever but he had hopes after what Changbin told him that his parents still exist and the time of him meeting them will come eventually.

But now all that hope crashed down like a sand castle which was destroyed by a big wave of the beach.

He ran toward Mr.Kim and punched right in the face causing him to fall off the ground.

Jeongin sat on top of him and started punching him non-stop.


He rushed toward the youngest and tried to stop him from punching the old guy but Jeongin just pushed him away.

Jeongin:“LET GOOOO!!!”


He also tried stopping him by holding into his punch but that was too late because his father was already out of consciousness.


Changbin who was still fixed in the ground was speechless after what Jeongin had said.


The couple that Mr.Kim had ordered to kill were Jeongin's parents who left him at the orphanage.

Seungmin:“don't just stare at him like that, help me stop him or he will literally send my father to hell”

Both teams up to separate Jeongin from Seungmin's father.

Jeongin:“LET GO!!! he's the reason I'm an orphan... I HAVE TO KILL HIM!!!”

Changbin hugged him tightly, Jeongin was unable to escape his embrace because he was stronger than him.

Changbin kept whispering in his ears to calm him down and that somehow worked and Jeongin stopped fighting back.

Changbin:“calm down, you hit him enough to break his nose that results in the faint, he's ugly now, look...”

Jeongin looked at the ugly view of Mr.Kang's face that Changbin mentioned and he couldn't but agree with him.

Jeongin:“you're right...”

Seungmin:“I was the one planning to punch him but you do that for me instead, what a beautiful view... now let go”

He looked at his father, he smiled apon seeing him knocked out with blood all over his face and his front teeth were no longer visible.

The person who gaves him a bad trauma and painful memories was just like any other a§hole that is disgusting.

Changbin:“this is the person who gave you and your mother a horrible life, are you sure you want him to go away with what he does”

Seungmin laughed at what he said.

Seungmin:“Hyung... I'm a professional hacker and a gangster, when I feel like ruining his life and letting him live the same life me and my mother lived in, I'll eventually do it but not right now”

That's why he learned hacking and that is why he joined SKZ, so he can give his father a taste of his medicine, he'll steal that money eventually from his bank account and maybe send some allies after him.

He'll do that before SKZ gang will disband.

Jeongin:“if that would happen to him, I'll gladly be by your side to witness his miserable life”

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