The Bullets of the Patriot

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Y/N was sound asleep until his peace was interrupted by loud sirens. He rubbed his eyes as he stood up. He changed clothes and grabbed a Desert Eagle from the safe.

Y/N, loading his gun:It is 3 a.m., why do they have to do that. I know that the no late day applies to No star students, but I will still go to class.

Y/N leaves the house and sees a siren. He quickly shoots it, and the noise dies down. He starts walking to school, blinking in and out of sleep.

Y/N: Why now. I think it will be quieter at school

He got inside his homeroom class undetected. He grabbed 3 chairs and lined them up into a bed and went to sleep, gun in his hand. After some time, a tired teacher entered the class.

Mikisugi, dumbfounded: Shinra? Can you wake up, please?

He tapped his shoulder, but in a quick motion, Y/N fired his gun 2 times. Both shots hit the ceiling because Mikisugi quickly ducked. So, with a heavy heart, he continued to prepare the lesson, telling anyone who entered the class not to disturb Y/N. Once the clock stuck 8, Mikisugi started with attendance. Once he got to Ryuko's name, he saw that her desk was empty and chair taken by the sleeping trigger happy agent. He knew he must continue the lesson, and she would be expelled.

Before he could say her name, an aerial tramway cart crashed into the classroom, and all the students except Y/N were all launched across the class with their desks.

Mikisugi: Ryuko Matoi.

Ryuko: Here.

She grabbed an empty desk and put it next to Y/N's desk.

Ryuko: Hey, Y/N, can I please

Mikisugi: RYUKO DONT!

Y/N fired 3 shots from his gun into the ceiling, still asleep. He then reloaded the gun, still asleep.

Timeskip, the next day.

Y/N: I never said sorry for almost killing you.

Ryuko, laughing a little: It is no problem. Thanks for helping me save Mako from the biology club freaks.

Ryuko and mako sat on top of a big chain while Y/N was on the ground near them.

Ryuko: What is it, Senketsu?

Awkward pause.

Ryuko: You can tell something like that from the flavor of my blood?

Another pause

Ryuko: My BMI!?


Ryuko: That is private information!

Mako and Y/N have already accepted that side of Ryuko.

Ryuko, blushing bright red: He is just a friend!

Y/N's attention has been captured.

Y/N:ooh, Ryuko found a boyfriend.

Ryuko: SHUT UP Y/N!

Y/N, with a mischievous grin across his face: Is he cute?

Ryuko, filled with rage: Nooo! I don't have one!

Y/N: You won't once I take him.

Ryuko: What the hell are you talking about!?

Y/N: I'm joking. By the way, what happened to Mako?

Ryuko turned around to see needles covering her body. A smoke bomb went off next to them, and a man with a red Mohawk appeared. Suddenly, Y/N turned to face Ryuko. She noticed Y/N's red eyes and could not help but stare at them. The longer she looked, the more tired she got until she fell unconscious.

Y/N:Tsumugu, what the hell are you doing?

Tsumugu:Shinra, you know I have to get her uniform.

Shinra: No.

Tsumugu: You can't stop me.

Shinra:Look, I know your reasons, but it is too important. How is the planning going?

Tsumugu: Don't change the topic.

Shinra: I'm the FLA agent here.

Tsumugu: I know, I am still getting Ryuko's uniform. We had a deal.

Shinra: Fine, all part of the plan then.

Shinra got out the way, and as Tsumugu was going up to Ryuko's body, Shinra's eyes flashed red for a second, and Ryuko woke up.

Tsumugu, annoyed: Shinra!

Shinra: Could not hold it forever.

Ryuko: Who the hell are you! What club are you part of?

Tsumugu: Take off your clothes.

Ryuko: What the hell are you saying! Y/N! Do something.

Shinra tackled Tsumugu off of Ryuko.

Shinra: Ryuko, you OK?

Tsumugu: Fine, I will be back to strip her tomorrow.

Tsumugu left as Ryuko called him a perv.

Timeskip, That night at a bar.


Shinra: I'm sorry, I had to.

Mikisugi: Tsumugu, leave Matoi alone.

Tsumugu: We have a trade.

Mikisugi: We are still doing that if you don't want to end up speaking German the rest of your life.

Tsumugu: Fine, we will finalize tomorrow.

Shinra: Perfect.

Tsumugu: That outfit is dangerous, I am afraid Matoi will become a greater threat than the Kiryuins or anything Hitler II has in his arsenal.

Shinra: Can't wait to kill him young,he will die like Father like son.

Mikisugi: The assassination of Joseph Hitler was successful, but as you can see, it did not help with ending the war.

Tsumugu: All it did was add a third leader to the Hitler Dinasty.

Shinra: Let's end the meeting here, we have big plans tomorrow.

To Be Continued...

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