Angel Shot

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Red Fang: Looks like you are glad to see me, Shinra, my old friend.

Shinra could not speak. The person he feared was standing right in front of him. He swore that Red Fang was dead. The greatest German Assassin, the Executioner, the spy killer, The assassin feared by all Assassins, Red Fang was alive.

Red Fang: Speak to me, please! Earth to Shinra.

Shinra: But you are supposed to be

Red Fang: Dead? You did a lot of damage to me, I'm surprised you also survived.

Red Fang takes out a pack of cigarettes and starts smoking.

Shinra: What are you doing here?

Red Fang: obviously, revenge.

Shinra: Let me guess, me?

Red Fang: Want me to bring up The Warsaw Incident?

Shinra: No one speaks about it.

Red Fang: The public would not react well.

Shinra: How long were you here?

Red Fang: Long enough to see what you are up to. I'm wondering if I should kill you here or maybe that bitch you hang out with every day.


Red Fang draws his blade.

Red Fang,evil smile on his face: Make me!

Shinra pulled his sword out.

Shinra: Stay dead, Hitler's dog!

The two start clashing swords. They were both on equal footing, and it looked like they were going nowhere.

Red Fang: I will have my revenge.

His hits became stronger, and Shinra could not block them all effectively. Seeing an opening, Red Fang kicked Shinra in the pelvis, and Shinra fell to the floor.

Shinra: So strong.

Shinra's eyes turned red in desperation, but Red Fang's eyes turned a deep sea blue to counter him. Shinra tried to move his limbs while they locked eyes, but he realized he could not move his limbs. He was paralyzed.

Red Fang: You will die just like your brother! Slowly and by my blade! I have eyes just like you,and mine are better.

Red Fang raised his sword and was ready to stab Shinra.

Red Fang: Any last words, Government dog?

Shinra: Go to hell!

As Red Fang was about to finish off Shinra, a needle hit his arm, and soon, it was followed by many needles. This caused Red Fang to escape quickly into the night.

Tsumugu: Shinra, are you ok? Who the hell was that?

Shinra, petrified: The Red Fang, he is alive. He is back, and he is stronger than me.

Mikisugi: Thank God for the note you dropped on the way out the door. Looks like you needed an Angel Shot.

Shinra: Thank you for saving me, guys. I must go home now.

Timeskip, the next day:

Mikisugi:Ryuko, calm down.

Ryuko: Bite me, what the hell is going on. Y/N, you too. Explain what you two are doing with the Mohawk guy!

Mikisugi: I don't know what you are talking about.

Y/N: What proof do you have?

Ryuko pulls out 2 photos, one where Mikisugi, Tsumugu, and Y/N were sitting together at the bar. The second photo shows Red Fang and Y/N clashing swords.

Ryuko: See, you three are sitting together. Y/N, you must also explain this other photo.

Y/N:Where did you get that?

Ryuko: I asked Mataro to find out. That kid has a lot of connections around here. He found you 3 sitting in the same bar. This explains why he brought me to your place.He even caught both of you fighting with this guy.

Painful memories rushed through Y/N's mind as he looked at the pictures.

Y/N: Stay away from him. If you see that man, run the other way.

Y/N got closer to Ryuko.

Y/N:Please don't try to fight him.

Ryuko, mad: Tell me who he is, why are you scared of him.

Y/N: I will tell you everything soon once I'm ready.


Y/N: He is stronger than me. If he wants you dead, I can't save you.

Ryuko: Fine, that explanation better be good.

Y/N: I promise.

To Be Continued...

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