The Red Fang

64 2 0

Berlin, Germany

A black limo drives drives into a parking lot, the street lights being the only thing guiding it from a crash. The car reached a complete stop. A hooded figure left the back seat and walked towards a building. It looked old-fashioned and had Nazi banners covering a huge portion of the front. He went towards the front door. 2 German guards stood there, a blink away from falling into a coma.

???: Hail Hitler, Hail Hitler.

Guard 1: Hail Hitler

Guard 2: Hail Hitler.

The guards recognized him and opened the door.

???: Thank you, do you want me to get you some coffee?

Guard 1: Yes

Guard: I would love some.

The figure entered the building, and the door closed behind him. He made his way up 3 stories and knocked on the door to the far left. After a response, he opened the door and went inside. Someone was in the office, but the night shielded his body from sight. They both greeted each other and got to business.

???: You call me?

???: Yes, Red Fang. I congratulate you on your other assignments. So I picked a good one for you.

Red Fang: Thank you. Does it pay well.

???: Like always. Your order is finished. The case is to your right.

Red Fang turned right and saw a heavy-duty case resting on the old desk. He opened it and looked at the blade inside. It was a long sword with a Swastika symbol as the hand guard. He closed it and took it by the handle.

???: You were in Warsaw 3 years ago on that unfortunate day.

Red Fang removed his hood. The moonlight revealed his face. Blond messy hair, blue eye, and an eyepatch covering his right eye. There was also a scar across his left cheek that reached just under his left eye.

Red Fang: The Warsaw Incident.

???: Yes. For this job you will be going to Japan. Let's just say you will get your revenge. We have your usual equipment already stationed at a disclosed location. I recommend you leave right now. This job will pay the usual amount as stated before. Good luck.

Red Fang: I don't need luck.

Red Fang picked up the file on the man's desk and left. He made a stop to the snack room and made 2 cups of coffee that he put on a tray. He handed the tray to the 2 guards on his way out and went back into the limo parked outside.

Red Fang: Hail Hitler, we are going to the airport right now!

Driver: Hail Hiter.

To be continued...

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