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They reached the airport the next evening. It was 9 PM according to the local time in Chicago.

Lawrence said, 'It's quite late, you think we should go home now?'

Morris said, 'Yeah, we should, but for some time only. I actually have an excellent idea, which Mr. Roberts should know today itself.'

'Okay, let us first go home. Then we can go to the police station.'

They at first went to their flat. They put all their luggage there, had some coffee, and then left for the police station via an Uber.

Superintendent Steven Roberts was busy with a call at that time. As soon as he saw Morris & Lawrence standing, he said, 'Okay, I'll call you later' and cut the call.

'Ah, my favorite people, please have a seat', said Roberts. Both of them sat down in front of Roberts.

'Ahem', said Roberts, 'so I've read everything about the things you did in Mumbai. Truly remarkable, I must say.'

'Thank you, sir', said Lawrence.

'You both were better as police inspectors, I must say.'

'About that', said Morris, 'we have a very important thing to say.'

'What? You are finally taking out your police uniforms from the laundry then. That's amazing! So when are you both joining back?'

Morris & Lawrence looked at themselves for a while, then burst into laughter.

'Actually, no', Morris said, 'we aren't joining back.'

'An excellent plan, we have', said Lawrence, 'we are actually starting our own investigating agency. We need our uniforms for that. You know, for business and stuff.'

'And we have decided to name it M&L, after Morris & Lawrence. We will be going to UK in a few months after we have our plans ready.'

Roberts looked completely stunned.

'You both would like some coffee, by the way?'

'No, no', said Morris, 'only garam chai.'

'What is garam chai now?'

'Tea', said Lawrence, 'tea with biscuits. We would like that.'

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