
"I have had the Dark Lord attack my mind previously. And it felt exactly the same. I am telling you Albus, there is something wrong here," Severus said, as he looked towards his student with a concerned gaze.

"Yes, indeed I believe so as well," as he took out his wand, and closed his eyes as he cast a number of diagnostic spells on the boy infront of him. Physically, there seemed to be nothing wrong with him, though Albus couldn't say the same of his magic. The magic was in a state of flux, like it was changing, undergoing metamorphosis at a very fast pace. It felt as if his magic was maturing at an astronomical pace.

"Could it be caused by what happened last year? Could it be that he is under the control of horcrux?" Severus questioned before he visible paled and continued.

"Could it be that the person that woke up at the end of last year wasn't Crovus, rathe..."

"No," Albus cut him off as he shook his head. Albus himself had been concerned about the events that had occurred at the end of last night and had decided to keep a close eye on Crovus since the start of the new school year.

And though the boy had changed, Albus was sure that this was not Voldemort. Yet if not that, then what was going on here?

And it seemed like they would be getting their answers sooner rather than later as he saw the boy's body shift as his eyes fluttered open.

Albus motioned for Severus to stay behind, as the boy opened his eyes. And he would be lying if he didn't still for a moment as he saw those red orbs land on him. Yet, he was quick to recover and gave a warm smile.

"It seems like we are making a habit of this, Mr. Lestrange?" he tried to ease the boy, who had become paler upon seeing him.

"Professor, I...." he tried to speak up, and then he saw his eyes land on Severus, who stood behind him, and he gulped down nervously.

"I have chastised Professor Snape for his actions and apologize on his behalf. For clarification, you are not in any trouble Mr. Lestrange," Albus assured the boy and saw the boy's shoulders ease as he began to breathe normally.

"You are in the infirmary. You are fine. Madam Popmfrey has had a look at you, and asked me to relay the message of not making these visits at the end of a year a habit," he said with a chuckle to ease the boy, who had a shadow of a smile appear.

"Now, I want to ask you a couple of questions, and it would be extremely helpful if you were to answer them honestly?" said Dumbledore as he pushed up his glasses, and the boy nodded.

He then took out the piece of parchment that Severus had given him and showed it to him.

"Now, Mr. Lestrange I want you to tell me how you got your hands on this?" he asked and saw the boy hesitate a bit, as he glanced towards Severus, who hung back. Though in the end, he did reply, and Albus hadn't expected that.

"I saw him devise it and then later use it," he replied, and Dumbledore stilled as soon as he heard those words.

"Who?" he questioned after a moment, though in his heart, he already knew the answer.

"Him. Voldemort," he replied as he looked up at him and then at Severus.

"And he used it on my mother, a Bellatrix Black."



Hermione Granger frowned as she stood along with Harry as Dumbledore told them about the end of Crovus's second year.

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