There was a hard silence that filled the air as both girls stared at each other. " do you deal know?" Terra asked and Perci shrugged her shoulders. "It took me awhile to really figure out what I had done. I didn't believe someone especially when they told me time and time again what I was doing was bad. I'd thought that the people I'd gotten rid of would grow back into something better...something good.

"Once I figured out that wasn't the case...I had a lot of regret. Someone had told me that while it might be late to change my actions, it was never too late to change who I had become. I decided to take that advice and ask for help from another. It was Superman actually." Perci said as she remembered how she'd walked up to the man while he was in the middle of a fight. He kept telling her that she needed to get somewhere safe while he assessed the situation. Instead of listening to him, she took the villain down without even looking catching his attention immediately.

"He then ended up passing me over to Batman. I guess he thought Batman and Robin would've been a better influence on me." Perci paused for a moment as she had spaced out from her story. "S-sorry...I got sort of sidetracked there." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

" think the titans might be able to help you gain better control of your powers. And I'm not just saying that because Beast Boy seems to have taking a liking to you. Robin would also like to apologize to you in person for the whole controlling powers thing." Perci said softly. "So Beast Boy and Robin sent you after me?" Terra asked and Perci shook her head no.

"Robin and Beast Boy wanted me to find you and heavily talk you into joining the titans, but that decision is up to you. No one should make you be somewhere you don't want to be. And if you feel like you chose the wrong won't be able to change your past, but you can change who you've become." Perci finished giving Terra a kind smile.

"You really trust them don't you?" Terra asked and Perci shrugged her shoulders with a soft smile. "I'd trust them with everything that I am and more."

A couple hours had passed since (Y/n) talked with Terra. After their conversation, (Y/n) made a tunnel for Terra that led out of the city. While she truly thought being around the Titans would help Terra, she wasn't going to keep her from leaving.

(Y/n) was currently sat on the roof of Titans tower staring out at the stars waiting for someone to arrive. Her hood was down revealing her hair and her mask was gone. A soft smile laid across her features as she found comfort in the sky. The door to the roof opened and she didn't even need to look to know who had joined her. Soft footsteps slowly approached her before said person sat next to her. Both of their legs dangling over the edge of the roof. The pair sat in a perfect, nice, and comfortable silence for a couple minutes. Both teens simply enjoying the presence of the other.

"I have to admit, Wonder Boy. This is definitely an impeccable view." (Y/n) said as her cheeks held a soft smile and various colored roses. "It is pretty amazing." Robin said, but he wasn't looking out at the stars like (Y/n) was. He was staring at something even more beautiful.

"It's not just the view of the stars either." (Y/n) started to say. Her eyes staying glued to the world in front of her. "Really? Why's that?" Robin asked curious as to what was going through her mind.

"You have the cool breeze coming from the ocean, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the smell of the sea, and the radiance that the moon brings just puts it all together. Don't you think?"She asked turning to face Robin with a bright smile. The sight of (Y/n) looking up at him with rosy cheeks and a bright smile made his heart melt.

Once realizing he was taking a bit longer than normal to respond, Robin turned his gaze towards the sky as he tried to hide his pink covered cheeks. "Y-yeah, it's pretty great." Robin said and he was able to catch (Y/n)'s eyes lingering on him a little longer than normal. He watched as she turned her head back to the view with new red roses growing through her cheeks.

Robin's mind started to wander as he thought about the small handful of times he'd actually seen the red roses in her cheeks. He thought about how he'd only seen her cheeks become red when he was around. That thought definitely piqued his interest.

"(Y/n)?" "Dick?" "Your roses...what does red mean?" The question almost instantly made all other colors on her cheeks disappear as they were all replaced by pink ones. "Wh-what are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked as she looked away embarrassed by the question. "The color of your roses have different meanings. Like you have yellow roses around our friends, salmon when you're excited about something, or orange when you're learning something new you're interested in." Robin was about to keep going when (Y/n) interrupted him glancing back over at him.

"You really notice that kind of stuff?" The question took Robin back for a second. In his mind, who wouldn't pay attention to those things about her. "Of course, why wouldn't I pay attention to that? It's an important part of who you are. Plus, I like being aware of your emotions." Robin's words made the red roses make themselves known once again on (Y/n)'s cheeks.

The plant being looked away from Robin staring down at her lap. "I'm not really sure what they mean yet. I don't really get them often enough to put words to how I feel when I get them." (Y/n) said as she tried to figure out what the red roses really meant. All she knew was that they had something to do with Robin. She only had them when she thought about him or was around him.

"What things do you feel when they do appear?" Robin asked. "Nervous, happy, ethereal, scared, respect, anxiety, companionship, security...and what I believe what you guys experience as nausea?" The last one (Y/n) said as her face scrunched up not sure if that is really how that feels. Robin couldn't help but let out a light laugh at her last comment.

"Does it feel like your stomach I turning and that it might come out of your mouth?" "Yes! Whatever that is, that's what I feel. Is that nausea?" Robin laughed again as he nodded. "Definitely sounds like nausea." A brief silence filled the conversation before Robin spoke up again.

"Are all of these feelings...good?" (Y/n) thought for a moment before nodding with a smile. "It definitely feels like a good thing." Both teens turned back towards the stars as they let a comfortable silence fall over them.

After a couple minutes Robin stood up from his spot making (Y/n)'s eyes follow him. The hero held his gloved hand out for (Y/n) as he smiled down at her. "Let me show you a different, but still pretty good view." The girl couldn't help but smile at him as she took his hand. Robin helped her off the ground and let her to the opposite side of the tower that faced the city.

Both teenagers kept their hands together as they sat down dangling their legs over the edge once more. They both stared down at the bright lights of the city with soft smiles. "Woah." "I told you. Pretty great view." Robin said as he kept his gaze on (Y/n)'s reaction. "This is gorgeous. I've never seen the city from this high up before." She said as she took in the view.

Robin then felt something slowly starting to creep up his hand and around his wrist. He glanced down to see green stems almost completely blending into his green gloves as they crept up his arm. What he wasn't expecting was for (Y/n) to place her head on his shoulder. Robin tensed up slightly while (Y/n) let out a soft comfortable sigh. It took him a moment, but he relaxed against his old friend as well. His head placing itself on top of hers.

"Terra isn't in the city she?" Robin asked softly. " you think we'll see her again?" (Y/n) asked genuinely concerned for Terra. "I'm not sure. Maybe." "I hope she comes back. At least for Beast Boy's sake." "Me too." Robin said only for (Y/n) to move in a bit closer to him. The stems on his wrist slowly moving up to his forearm. Robin gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as he let out his own comfortable sigh. Neither of them wanting this moment to end.

Beating Around The Bush (Teen Titans Robin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now