Chapter 38

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The morning sun started to shine over Jump City. Most of the city was still fast asleep, but the seagulls and super beings of the town were all wide awake. The Teen Titans and Terra being some of them.

The group of heroes decided to test Terra's skills as well as their own with a new training exercise. Cyborg and Robin designed the obstacle course to test all of the titans various fighting abilities. Cyborg was going to be the first one to officially test the course out. Robin and Raven were at the control panel taking over what was to happen in the course.

The metal man successfully completed the course with low difficulty. "Yes! Get them, dude!" "Go friend Cyborg!" Beast Boy and Starfire cheered for their friend while Terra watched in awe. Cyborg stared down at the timer on his right arm as he smirked at the flashing 2:17.

"Booyah! New course record! Haha!!!" Cyborg cheered. "Well, yeah. You're the first one to do the course." Raven said with a bored tone.

"Not bad, Cy." A voice said from behind the group. The teens turned around to see Nightshade sitting on the ledge that was right behind them. Her legs slightly swinging back and forth as she stared down at the group. They knew her well enough to know she was smirking under her mask.

"Uh...who's that?" Terra whispered to Starfire and Beast Boy. "Ugh, that's Nightshade. Don't get mixed up with her. She's bad news." Beast Boy said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm going to take that as a compliment, Beast." Night said as she placed her head on her hand that had been resting against her leg.

"What brings you to this side of town, Night?" Robin asked. He couldn't help the slight smile growing on his cheeks as he looked at his friend. "Eh, I was in the area. Decided to kill two birds with one stone. Check up on my least favorite and favorite hero's. Take off a few items on my to do list for the day. However, I didn't know you'd be playing with some new hero meat this early in the morning." Night said as she smirked down at Terra before sending her a wink. Something about Night's presence made Terra become slightly fearful of the girl.

"Mind if I crush that record of yours while I'm here, Cyborg?" Night asked turning her attention towards the metal man. Her smirk only growing as she jumped down from where she was.

The group watched as Night made her way towards the starting place. "Crush my record? In your dreams, Nightlight." Cyborg said with a cocky smirk. "What? You don't think I can?" Night asked as she started to stretch her limbs getting ready to go. "I know you can't beat it." Cyborg said while Robin facepalmed.

"Guys, is this really the time-" Robin tried to interfere only to get interrupted. "Oh yeah? Why not bet on it if you're so sure." Night said with a cocky grin under her mask and a raised brow. "Cyborg, don't-" Robin tried once more. "What's the matter, Cy? Afraid to lose to me?" Night teased making an annoyed vein pop out of Cyborg's forehead.

"Oh, you're on, Nightshade. If you can't beat my record, you have to buy pizza for all of us for a week." Cyborg said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Nightshade simply continued to stretch as she listened to Cyborg's terms. "Alright. When I win, you owe me a favor." Night said with a smirk making Cyborg raise a brow.

Terra leaned over towards Beast Boy cupping her hand around his ear. "What does she mean by that?" She asked the green hero. "Rumor has it, owing her a favor is the worst thing you could possibly ever do." Beast Boy whispered back to the girl.

"You mean, if you win." Cyborg tried to correct the girl. "Oh, that's real cute, Cyborg. When I say win, I mean win." Night's tone got darker and even more confident than it already was as she held her hand out for Cyborg to shake. Her tone made Beast Boy, Starfire, and even Terra gulp in fear. Raven let out an annoyed sigh while Robin face palmed at the situation Cyborg could be getting himself into.

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