Wallace's: Undercover

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At Wallace's one Wednesday evening, a semi-regular name George is there talking to this fine, sexy woman name Steph telling her, "What do you say we get up, leave out of here and go to my place so we can get down, get funky, get loose and get busy, but first we make a stop at the liquor store to get us a bottle." Steph tells him, "I love the sound of that, let's go!" When suddenly George notices someone entering Wallace's beginning to make him feel edgy, a gay dude with his female co-worker entering Wallace's for some after work cocktails. George hoping the gay dude whose name is Dennis does not see him. Dennis notices George at the bar, smiling, he walks to him, "Hey George, great seeing you again, hon!" George says, "Hi Dennis." Dennis asks him, "What have you been up to, I will never forget those times we had together (George trying to silence him)". George is trying to disregard what Dennis is talking about and Steph catches on telling George, "I don't get with bisexual men, sweetie." She gets up walking away, George asks him, "What do you want Dennis, listen the past is the past and I'm change and besides, I was drunk and my mind was not right during them moments." Dennis tells him, "Sure you were, you knew exactly what you were getting into. Enjoying every moment, especially that time when you were on the receiving end. I don't want to take up any more of your time and besides all I came over is to say hi. Oh George, in case you care to rekindle. I'll be in the booth with my co-worker Sheila, have a nice night and behave yourself, hon!" George is speechless while Dennis is walking away joining Sheila in the booth and others listening are gawking, looking at George whispering among themselves.

Later George tells Wallace, "You overheard." Wallace tells him, "Yea and how you living is your business, not mine or anyone else in here." George remained silent, leaving Wallaces, before he exited, he cast a final glance towards Dennis who, noticing the gesture, waved and smiled back while raising his glass in salute. George, however, chose to ignore this and continued on his way out.

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