"And I'll bet you can get out of sport, the goddess knows you and Henry hate it. I can honestly agree with you there, sport is hell— sorry babe," she says to her burly mate who smiles at her playfully, reaching an arm over her shoulders.

"Well I guess it depends on the exercise," his voice is low and full of insinuatoin, and I balk at the forwardness of it as her cheeks heat.

An announcement over the bus cuts the conversation short and I turn to Micah who, as always, has his full attention trained on me. "I still am really sorry about that," he says to me, glancing at my wrist and I shrug.

"It wasn't intentional, I accept your apology," I tell him but my stomach twists. I can't get my fathers words out of my brain, his warning.

Micah smiles. "Can I get you to write that and sign it as evidence for my mother?" He asks with a laugh and I smile, furrowing my brows.

"She's still really that mad about it?" I ask and he nods.

"Oh yeah," he leans into his seat. "Are you excited for tomorrow? Have you got much planned on your schedule?" He asks, diverting the conversation effectively.

I nod. "Yeah, a lot of the classes had filled for extra curricular activities but I managed to get most of my day in classes and lectures surrounding journalism."

"That's exciting. What extra curricular did you get?" He asks, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket.

I take mine out. "Theatre and the arts. A whole afternoon dedicated to it," I tell him and he looks at me, a devilish grin taking over his face.

"No way." He holds up his own schedule with the exact same thing on it. "James managed to change my sports program induction to this as a prank last minute. I was going to try and use my charm to get it changed but I guess I could stick it out."

What are the chances?

"You should try do sport if that's what you are passionate about," I tell him and he leans back into his seat, relaxing once more and he puts his schedule away with a shrug.

"Maybe I'm more passionate about spending time with you, Mennison." His smile only increases as I try to contain my blush and struggle for a quick response. I have never dealt with open flirting in my life, its uncharted territory. And I shouldn't entertain it anyway, its stepping in a direction I'm unsure of.

"Are you even any good at arts?" I ask him, honestly he's probably perfect at everything. He laughs.

"Hell no. But I have a feeling it will be a very fun experience," he says and I can't help but smile in response to his grin, it's contagious.

"Where's Henry anyway? I thought he was coming?"

"He is sick, so I think I am alone for this trip."

"I wouldn't exactly say you are alone. You are welcome to track any of us down if you are in need of company."

"Thanks and Henry asked me to apologise to you for the inconvienece, he knows you went out of your way to make this happen," I lie and he laughs.

"I highly doubt that. The only time I catch a glance from Henry it's a glare. It's only somewhat less evil when you are present but still, your bestie does not like me." He widens his eyes with the not, his grin remaining and my heart stops for a split second.

"He doesn't not like you," I defend, though Henry didn't as me to apologise at all. The last we discussed the trip it was full of caution and hesitation and he sounded so much like my damn dad.

I didn't even want to think of what he and Micah talked about when I wasn't in the room.

He raises a brow. "The last time I spoke to him was the day after I broke your wrist and I couldn't even say hello before he let me know exactly how he felt about the whole thing. I believe the words asshole and stupid were used the most and I have to admit—it was the most interesting start I've ever had to advanced math."

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