Twenty One

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formal apologyyyyy I completely forgot to update yesterday after I promised an early release!!! 

but I fr did NOT expect ya'll to actually comment that much, it made my literal week. Obviously writing and keeping up w work and uni in the current world is a big challenge so I truly appreciate the interaction!

I don't get paid to write these books or receive anything other than the kind words and love shown in the comments and votes, which makes it all literally worth it! 

I did add an extra 1000 words to this chap to make up for my silliness

 lotssss of love


"You fucking prick!" Gabe yells, just as Henry moves into the room. Micah lets out a low growl and grabs Gabe by the collar, shoving him against the nearest wall.

"Micah," I slur and his attention snaps to me, a predatory glint burns in his eyes before he turns his attention onto Gabe.

"Athena stay there." There is nothing soft and sweet about his command, it is raw and powerful and filled with a silent promise to my friend who he has pinned on the wall. The promise of retribution for not just punching the next Alpha square in the jaw but for doing so in front of me.

I feel as if I might vomit again when Micah moves to pull Gabe back and likely drag him into the corridor to finish him off.

"Thea?" Henry rushes over to me, gently holding my arm to make me look at him but my attention is on Gabe. At Henry's arrival, Micah released him but remained standing in my path, making Gabe glare at him with so much fury its like his heart is on fire. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Henry, get Thea we are leaving." I had never heard Gabe speak so menacingly. He points a finger at Micah, a promise. "If you so much as think about bothering her again I will make you regret it."

Micah has to know who Gabe is by the scent I have worn many times. And Gabe knows Micah based on all I have told him, that he's some guy with a crush and the feelings not one hundred percent mutual. Micah tenses as Gabe moves towards me. "She is not going anywhere with you," he growls, stepping in his path.

"I will call the fucking pack police for this, you sick, twisted fuck. Henry," Gabe says firmer and Henry lifts me to stand next to him, moving us forward. "Gabe—" he starts but is cut off by Micah's menacing growl. Gabe is in front of me then, seizing the moment of Micah's fury to put me out of line from it.

"Have you got any idea who I am?"

"I know you're a guy that can't take a hint. She's not interested in you and I swear to god if you don't leave her alone," Gabe continues, unbothered and I should speak up, put an end to it but I can't. It's like I am shell shocked.

"I'm the next Alpha of this pack and if you don't take your hands off my mate, I'll make sure you regret it," he seethes, red hot anger rolling off him in waves.

I pull back from Gabe, removing his touch from me that I didn't even notice was there to see his sudden shift in features. He wasn't just shocked, he looked like he'd been shot and when he turned to me all I saw was pain. But the pure agony slowly shifted into his stony features of rage. "I don't care if you're the king of the world," he admits. "Touch her again, bother her anymore, and we are going to have an issue."

"Woah woah, what's going on here?" Benny comes into the picture out of nowhere, James also with him. It's like they sensed it, or maybe Micah mind linked them to join in on beating the crap out of Gabe. I don't know. My mind feels so fuzzy it's hard to make heads or tails of anything.

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