Twenty Seven

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Bit of a filler chapter! Hope you enjoy and please don't forget to comment and vote! 

"You're lying... Henry." I say, fully serious. This has to be some sort of prank.

"Thea I feel so sick, I will try to come tomorrow if I'm feeling better but I have just got the worst cold ever. I walked home from Al's yesterday and I was rained on the whole way." His voice is scratchy the audible sickness softens my annoyance.

I glance over at the bus as the last student enters. I've got to get on.

Honestly, after the absolute rant I received from him, and then him and Gabe combined about the whole thing... I figured he'd be sprinting to be on this trip. And then there was my wrist to explain and needless to say, that didn't go down well at all.

"It's okay," I tell him. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay and bring around a snack pack? We can play video games and eat soup?" I suggest and he laughs before coughing horribly.

"No, no I don't want you catching this," he croaks.

"Okay, well text me—at least once an hour," I instruct and he laughs again.

"Okay, I'll speak to you later. Stay safe Thea."

I hang the phone up and slide it into my pocket and clutch onto my bag before heaving a sigh. A two hour bus trip all alone, great.

I run up to the bus and smile at the driver who closes the door behind me before facing the horror of full seats and wide eyes in front of me. I duck my head and move to the closest spare seat next to a girl who places a bag firmly next to her as I approach, shooting me a warning glare.

I gulp and move closer to the back and the next available seat just as James runs down the aisle, sliding into the chair before I can sit down, grinning widely. "Athena! Glad you made it," he says with a smile as he stretches his arm out over the seat to a young girl that rolls her eyes. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here, I thought I'd catch up with an old pal." He winks and I shoot him a close lipped smile.

"It' worries," I say, as my gaze turns to the the only remaining seat and the tall brown haired Alpha blooded male next to it.

Micah's face lights up as our eyes connect and he sends me a warm smile, waving. Henry was supposed to squash me into a window seat and be my personal buffer against the whole gang this weekend.

The churning of the bus engine jolts me forward and so I make my way to the seat. I slept next to the guy for an entire night, what's a bus ride?

"Athena! It's so good to see you!" I turn my attention to Molly who beams as she leans into the arms of Benny. "We thought maybe you weren't coming."

I manage a light laugh, grateful that their conversation forces my back to the large body next to me. "Oh yeah, I was running a bit late. It's good to see you guys."

Not a blatant lie, but the turning twists of my stomach reveal a different truth.

"Is your hand feeling any better?" Olive asks and Benny tries to conceal a grin before leaning forward.

"It's a shame your mate doesn't know how to play ball, there's a reason he's vice captain."

Micah lets out a groan. "I am never going to live this down," he mummers and I glance at him as he places his face into his palm.

"It feels better," I tell them. "Honestly it's not so bad, I mean it's not my writing hand which is good."

"You'll be back to new in no time," Molly assures me and Kelsey nods.

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