14 ☆ she's in the rain

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she's in the rain chapter 14

Outside the office at ten, I watch the rain pour

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Outside the office at ten, I watch the rain pour. Sorin taps her protractor on the desk, beating the fabric to the rhythm of her song. I accompanied Sorin on the last night of doing final touches, where tomorrow would be practice and D-Day. I saw Yanxi a few times today, however, occupying Taehyun's time in his office. Every time I passed by, they were either chatting or laughing, and I was a bit envious. No, not of their relationship or anything, but the fact that she could make him open up so easily.

Is that the same thing as being jealous of their relationship? I don't think so, right?

"Hm... I could think of someone– A few people, actually."

Would he swim across the Han River for Yanxi? Sorin says no, but I think it's a definite yes. Who else if not her? I think Sorin's confusing my relationship with Taehyun for Yanxi's, and that's why she says he'd choose me.

We just don't know each other that well. I know of his past, and he briefly knows about mine, but what more than that? That we're both argumentative? Picky? He has a different perspective on the world, separate from mine. The chances that we'd ever see eye-to-eye is less of a chance than us getting any further than friends–because that would never happen.

I instinctively let my leg shake, beating the marble harshly with every step. Sorin seems to feel it, looking up for a moment, but ignores it. My anxiety peaks at the thought of us in the same picture and starts to beat faster, my hand reaching up to my cheek to tap as well.

Now, I have to consider it. I have to remember his eyes, his lips, and every facial feature that could even give me the smallest sign of a change in this answer: Would Taehyun ever swim the Han River for me?

"Sora?" Sorin grabs my hand that lays flat on the table, pulling me down to earth. All the tapping ceases, and I'm reminded that it's only me and her left here. "Are you doing okay? You're looking a little anxious. Is something on your mind?"

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