11 ☆ internal disturbances

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internal disturbances chapter 11

My mother slaps me across the face, a stinging pain released across the rest of my face

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My mother slaps me across the face, a stinging pain released across the rest of my face. Whether it be my tears or her irreversible hatred, my body burns. "Haven't you had enough of toying around!" Taehyun's jaw tightens, the witness becoming more and more disgusted at the scene in front of him. However, he wasn't going to bother butting in. "Businesses hate when you change your mind. That's why I told you to choose the right people to collaborate with! That's why I told you to never get close to anybody! Did you ever listen to what I had to say?!"

Her screams echo–almost as if they were all that could be heard beside Taehyun's low breath. By natural laws of being a witness, he was choosing to take her side without hearing mine, without taking into account all the things I've told him during our time together. "You're vile. Nothing like a real daughter would be," My mother spits, wiping the sweat off her brow. "You're not my daughter. At all."

And I scream. But, my mouth doesn't open agape, and my eyes don't widen. I'm stoic, frozen, and hurt. I scream, but nobody can hear it or see it, and I'm stuck–

like I've died.

"Shit," I curse, opening my eyes with a jolt of my body. I sit up, the fan in the corner of my room on full-blast, but it was nothing against the sweat on my forehead. I hold my hands close to my face, rubbing everything I could grasp, eventually checking the time: 4:21 AM.

The nightmares became more apparent; there used to be small moments in my dreams where either of them would appear, but after each slumber, it got worse. This, of all things, was beyond anything else I've seen. It was the first time they collided in a single scene–where my current two worst enemies banded against me in a fight to bring me down.

I can't even go back to sleep. I'd kill myself trying to suppress my fears all night. So, I get up and put on some clothes, driving myself to the office.

As the night consumes me, I get a call. It's from an unknown number, so I don't bother answering. However, as I take a left to the office, the number calls again, making me answer. "Hello?"

made with love. | 태현 √Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora