Bring Them In.

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???: Time to bring them in isn't it..."

As the voice snaps his fingers as several people appeared before him.

Ruby: Hey where are we?"

Weiss: How should I know you dolt?"

Nora: Ren! Have we been abducted by Aliens! I don't want them to probe Uranus?!"

Ren:  ... I refuse to answer that question." 

Pyrrha: Were is Alastair?"

Yang: I don't know P-money?"

???: I can tell you where he is."

The Group look over to were the voice came from and saw the person who had summoned him.

The figure was taller then them. he was dawned with White rusted Armour with faded Golden accents, he wore a armet helmet. On his back was a rusted scabbard and sword. 

???: I sent him to the field of Punishment to make him pay for his sins." 

Yang ran at him.

Yang: You bastard!" 

Nora: I'll break your legs!"

they both roared as they got close to him.

The man simply signed and snapped his fingers and both Yang and Nora where tackled to the  ground by a large white blur, The two opened their eyes to see a large Jackalope glaring down at them.

Ruby: Yang!" 

Ruby rushed to her sister and Ren went to check on Nora, but they were stopped dead in their tracks as the large Jackalope Glared at them.

???: You done?"

 the stranger asked as the group nodded.

 he waves his hand and both girls stand up, but he looks at them both with a glare.

???: do that again and I will send both of you to join him in the field of punishment, do I make myself clear?." 

Both girls nod.

The stranger smiles and gives them a gentlemanly bow.

???: Hello Team RWBY and Team PRN My Name Is -"

Blake: Your the Rusted Knight?! One of the most famous Fairy tale heroes to ever grace Renment! I grow up reading 'The Girl Who Fell Through the World' when I was a little girl!"

Blake: Your the Rusted Knight?! One of the most famous Fairy tale heroes to ever grace Renment! I grow up reading 'The Girl Who Fell Through the World' when I was a little girl!"

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 Rusted Knight: Yes, I am the Rusted Knight, and the large Jackalope pinning those two down is my Friend and steed Juniper. And brought you here to react to someone you all know, or should I say 'Used' to know."


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