chapter 3 the fire of the problem

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It's been months since Riddler moved in with me and he has been ignoring me. He's only been talking to snow. Everytime I walk up to them talking. Riddler grabs Snow and they go somewhere else and talk. To be honest I got a little sad. I went down to the batcave to be alone for a while. It's been a few hours and I went to my room and saw Eddie lying on the bed. I got on the bed and laid next to him and I kissed him on the lips and started to take his shirt off and started to kiss him on the neck and down his body. I made it down to his stomach and was about to take his pants off. When grabbed me and pulled me back up to his face and kissed me.

I took his pants off and he kissed me again. He took my pants off and I was about to start doing other things when he said stop. I said what!? He said stop loving me. I said no. I can't!

The next day I woke up and saw that he was gone. I looked to my right and saw a note on the nightstand. I grabbed it and read I love you but not like this. I can't love you anymore. I can't lose you or snow. Ps snow already knows about me leaving. Love Eddie.

Eddie pov

I left and went to my secret house. I sat down on the cold floor and put my right hand on my stomach and fell asleep. I opened my eyes and saw Batman on his knee right in front of me. Fire was all around us. I said just stop loving me!! He said I'll never stop loving you!! Batman picked me up and was carrying me down the stairs. I coughed and said I'm not going to make it. Batman said no, don't say that. Why did you leave? I said I lied, I couldn't lie to you anymore. Batman said you lied to me about what? I laid my head against Batman's arm and before everything went dark I whispered I think it was that last time. When you went a lot harder on me.

I opened my eyes and saw Batman holding my hand. I said I love you. I saw that I had burns on my face. I put my hand on my stomach and smiled. I looked back up at Batman and saw him crying. He said I love you. I was shocked when he said that he loves me. He kissed me and It hurt because of my burns. I said I told you to stop loving me! He gasped when he realized it. He said oh my god did I get you? I nodded and said I knew for 4 days. He kissed me again harder this time and said I love you more than anything else in the world.

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