Chapter 9

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Naruko entered the hospital with a calm demeanor, unfazed by the environment around her. She approached the reception desk, where a woman looked up at her arrival. The woman's expression quickly soured as she recognized Naruko, sneering at her and saying,

Receptionist: "What do you want, demon?"

Unruffled by the woman's hostility, Naruko maintained her composure. She had long since learned to deal with such reactions and knew that she could easily intimidate the woman if she chose to. However, she simply ignored the insult and got straight to the point.

Naruko: "I'm here to see Rock Lee,"

she said calmly. The woman, despite her obvious disdain, provided Naruko with the information she needed. As Naruko turned to leave, she couldn't resist throwing a parting shot over her shoulder.

Naruko: "You know, you're not going to get any man if you keep wearing all that expensive makeup,"

she said in a light, teasing tone. As she walked away, a comical anime-style arrow symbolically struck the woman's head, indicating the sharpness of Naruko's remark.

With a small smile playing on her lips, Naruko made her way through the hospital corridors. Her visit to see Rock Lee, for whatever reason, seemed to carry a sense of purpose, and her ability to brush off negativity with such ease showed a strength of character that went beyond physical abilities.

Naruko strolled through the hospital corridors, her steps purposeful yet relaxed. In the quiet atmosphere, she spotted TenTen, a trusted friend she had shared countless battles and secrets with. Hinata and TenTen were the rare few who knew about Naruko being a jinchuriki, and their unwavering support had forged a deep bond.

Naruko called out to TenTen, who turned with a smile as she approached, clutching a vibrant bouquet.

Naruko: "TenTen! What's with the flowers?"

TenTen grinned, "Thought I'd brighten up Lee's day. How's he doing?"

Naruko nodded, "Let's find out." Together, they walked toward Lee's room, chatting along the way. The green-wearing ninja might be a bit eccentric, but Naruko had always found him to be a good guy.

As they reached Lee's room, Naruko couldn't resist teasing TenTen about her training.

Naruko: "So, how was training today?"

TenTen's eyes widened in curiosity, "Painful, huh? What's the deal?"

Naruko's smirk hinted at the hidden excitement, "Painful, but totally worth it. I even forged a new weapon."

TenTen froze, surprise evident in her eyes. "A new weapon? Seriously? What did you make?"

Naruko playfully placed a finger on TenTen's lips, shushing her.

Naruko: "It's a secret, Ten. You'll see it in action soon enough."

With a mischievous grin, they continued toward Lee's room. The conversation naturally shifted to Neji.

TenTen sighed, "Neji's still got that stick up his ass."

Naruko corrected her with a laugh, "More like an oak tree."

TenTen couldn't help but burst into laughter, agreeing wholeheartedly with Naruko's amusing analogy.

Naruko and TenTen froze as they witnessed TenTen dropping the flowers onto the floor. Before them stood the sand shinobi Gaara, his intimidating presence casting a shadow over Lee's bedside. Naruko's instincts kicked in, and without a moment's hesitation, she dashed forward, her fist connecting with Gaara's face.

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