Chapter 4

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Anko Mitarashi walked down the busy street, her steps matching the rhythm of the bustling village. To any onlooker, she appeared to be just another person going about their day. However, deep inside, she carried a profound sense of happiness and contentment.

After many years of trying and being repeatedly rejected, she had finally succeeded in adopting Naruko. The young woman, who had endured so much suffering and hardship, was now officially her daughter in the eyes of the village.

Moreover, Anko was thrilled that Naruko had discovered her Uzumaki clan heritage. The girl's newfound knowledge brought a sense of completeness and identity, and Anko was more than willing to help her explore and embrace that part of her history.

As Anko continued her stroll through the village, she couldn't help but smile, her heart overflowing with love and pride for her newly adopted daughter. It was a new beginning for both of them, a fresh chapter in their lives as mother and daughter, and Anko couldn't have been happier.

As Anko walked down the bustling streets of the village, there was a spring in her step, even if her demeanor appeared to be her usual nonchalant self. Deep inside, she was ecstatic. She had finally succeeded in adopting Naruko after many years of trying, a feat that had always been met with rejection. Now, the girl was her daughter in every sense, and Anko couldn't be happier.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts and happiness, a voice called out her name, pulling her attention away from her reverie. Anko turned to see Kurenai, with Asuma at her side, walking up to her. They both looked slightly worried, as if they had been searching for her.

Kurenai: "Anko, we haven't seen you in days. We were starting to get worried. Is everything okay?"

Anko flashed her usual mischievous grin, but there was warmth in her eyes as she replied, "Oh, everything's just fine, you know. I've been busy training Naruko."

This announcement clearly caught both Kurenai and Asuma off guard. Their eyebrows raised in unison, and they shared a puzzled glance. Kurenai was the first to voice her curiosity.

Kurenai: "Naruko? Training her? What's going on? Since when did you take on a student?"

Asuma, who had noticed the subtle, yet telling reactions of the villagers as they mentioned Naruko's name, swiftly shifted the conversation's focus.

Asuma: "Hey, let's not discuss this out in the open. How about we head to that bar around the corner? We can talk more freely there."

Anko readily agreed, and the trio moved towards the nearby bar, eager to engage in a more private and candid conversation about the recent developments in their lives.

The three of them soon found themselves seated in a cozy booth at the bar, the dim lighting and the low hum of chatter providing a sense of privacy. Kurenai couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer and decided to ask Anko the burning question.

Kurenai: "So, Anko, you're training Naruko now? What's the story behind that?"

Anko nonchalantly shrugged, taking a sip of her drink before responding, "Why not? Kakashi's too focused on that Uchiha brat of his. And Naruko needed someone who understands what it's like to grow up alone and different."

Kurenai raised an eyebrow, her curiosity evident. She remarked, "Isn't she Kakashi's responsibility as a member of Team 7?"

Anko shot her a glare, a touch of irritation in her eyes. She retorted, "Yeah, 'responsibility.' That's how he treats her, like some kind of side project. She's a gifted kunoichi, and she deserves more than being overshadowed by the Uchiha kid."

Kurenai remained unconvinced, her skepticism apparent.

Kurenai: "It just seems like a waste of time, especially with her... background."

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