Chapter 3: Date?

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As soon as I realized it, I lived in Big city for almost half a year. Therefore, I had been working at Wholesome Foods for almost half a year.
I looked out the window as snowflakes fell and continued to fall on the ground.

I couldn't help but get excited! I loved the show and was looking forward to walking home and hearing the fresh snow crunch under my feet.

I focused back on the post I was working on when I suddenly heard someone knocking on my office door.

"Yes?" I looked up at the door, waiting for the person to enter my office. To my surprise, it was none other than Chip. He looked kind of... frosty? And you could see some snowflakes melting in his hair as if he had been outside minutes ago. He smiled at me rather awkwardly before placing a cup of steaming hot coffee on my desk. "For you."

I looked at him and smiled warmly at the surprise, "Thanks Chip. Want to see the post I'm working on?" I asked him and he nodded in agreement: "Yeah sure. Although I'm sure it's just as awesome as everything else you do."

I felt my cheeks warm up at his compliment and turned my laptop around so Chip could see it. He looked at me and then back at the post, clearly impressed. "That's awesome. Good job. I need to talk to my dad about a raise... you definitely need more recognition for your work..." He kind of mumbled that last part, but it was still very audible.

He looked at the post again before turning his attention to me: "Say... it's Uhm- kinda late already... how about we spend the rest of the evening..." he swallowed slightly before finishing the sentence, "together? I know a really nice restaurant in town and I was wondering if you wanted to go there.. with me?"

I looked at Chip, genuinely surprised, you could say we had grown closer over the last half year, call it friendship. But I hadn't really expected him, my boss in a way, to ask me out. But of course I wouldn't miss such an opportunity, I mean Chip was quite charming. So I agreed, "I'd love to. Just let me finish my work, then I'll be ready."

Chip started to smile the moment I said that, "Great. I'll talk to my dad, but I'm sure he'll be fine with you finishing early." And with that, he left my office.

"Welcome to SeaFushion. What's your name and do you have a reservation?" A slightly annoyed looking young girl looked at us and waited for an answer. "My name is Chip and I have a reservation. We're a little early." Chip replied, and the clerk looked down at her tablet before giving us an annoyed smile, "Of course, mister, table 7, if you'll follow me." And with that she led us to our table. It was a table for two near a window, "The menu," she pointed to two navy blue books on the table.

"She probably doesn't get paid enough." Chip whispered to me when the girl was out of sight, pulling my seat back. I chuckled a little at his comment before thanking him and sitting down. He went to his own seat and opened the menu. I did the same and swallowed slightly when I saw the prices next to the dishes... this place was quite expensive.

"I'll pay. I invited you here, so I'll pay." Chip told me without even looking up from his menu. "But..." I started, but he cut me off, "No buts. I'll pay. Take it as a thank you for always working so hard." He looked at me and smiled, showing off his perfect white teeth.

"Thanks.." I mumbled and looked at my menu again. A few minutes later a waitress came up to us with a sweet smile and asked us what we want to order. "I'll take Dish 8 please, but without the olives." Chip answered her politely. I looked up to the waitress aswell and smiled "I'll take Dish 11 please." The waitress smiled at us "Dish 8 without olives and Dish 11 for table 7 alright." She said to herself and wrote something on her Tablet. After that, she took the menu books and left us.

"So Uhm" Chip started off to break the awkward silence we sit in, "Lovely weather outside isn't it? The first snow of the year." He asked and smiled a bit. "Yeah it really is," I exclaimed happily, "I love the snowy weather outside." I smiled and looked outside the window we where sitting next to. It was already getting darking outside and big snowflakes are still falling to the ground.

"Dish 8 for the Gentleman and Dish 11 for the lady." The waitress appeared again and placed our dishes on the table. "Thank you." I smiled at her as she friendly nodded and left again.

"Look- we've been friends for a while now. And I was wondering..." Chip began to speak after we had finished our meals in silence. Chip had paid, as he assured me. And now we were walking through the city park. The fresh snow crunched under our feet and the stars glistened. "And I - look, you're wonderful. And I don't mean that you're doing a wonderful job at Wholesome Foods.

No, I mean you're wonderful. You're by far the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, your whole appearance. And the way the light catches in your eyes, it's amazing. Such beauty could rival that of an angel. And your voice, oh, your voice, it has a soothing sound, like a melody played by sirens. But by far the most captivating part of you is your smile, Its warmth and happiness can light up the darkest of skies. Every time you smile at me, it's the highlight of my day. And you're so kind, understanding and sweet. I-"

Chip's voice trailed off for a second as he seemed to get lost in my eyes.
"And honestly - I realized that I love you."

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