Chapter 28 A boring time

Start from the beginning

Thirty minutes later, the men's volleyball squad of Japan was seated at the Tokyo metropolian arena. 
"Here they come!!!!", the commentator said through his mic. "Niiyama girls' academy from Miyagi against the Inarizaki high school from Hyogo. A match up of two favourites."
"Let's go Inarizaki!!!!!!", Atsumu shouted from their position. 
"Traitor.", Hinata said. "LET'S GO MIYAGI!!!!!!"
"Now Ladies and gentlemen. The official warm ups have ended. The long awaited moment is about to start!!!!", the second commentator announced. "The player presentation and the national anthem." 
All of the players stood up. Just like the way they would do at every international game start. This has been their routine through years. 
"May your reign continue for a thousand, eight thousand generations.", the first line of the anthem were spelled by Ushijima. 
"Until the tiny pebbles grow into massive boulders.", Hinata continued his fellow teammate. 
"Lush with moss. Thousands of years of happy reign be thine.", Kageyama sang along and felt the lyrics that flew through his heart. "Rule on, until what are pebbles now by ages united to mighty rocks shall grow"
"Whose venerable sides the moss doth line.", Hoshiumi finished the lyrics. Everyone's attention were put to them. Kageyama spotted the women's team on the other side of the court. They too stood up to the important song. 
'Oi, Yoichi. When will you be able to sing the same song, I've just sung.', Kageyama thought as he looked at the enflamed crowd. 

"Hey, Sae!!!", Luna shouted from the door of the locker room. 
"What?!", the japanese midfielder retorted. 
"Jeez, Sae, there's no need for such a grumpy attitude.", Sergio scolded. 
"He's right.", Christiano said from the showers. 
"Oh fuck off.", Sae rejected their advices. "What is it Luna?"
"Guess who's going to Japan~", he sing songed. 
"What is that supposed to mean?", Benzema asked confused as he just came to hear about the interesting conversation his teammates are having. 
"Well, apparently, I was invited by someone who's name should ring bells in Sae's ear.", Luna explained. 
"Don't tell me that four-eyes has called you.", the said male spoke, hoping that the thing he was hearing was just a nightmare he had and that he would wake up in the next seconds. 
"Yes, that guy.", Luna answered enthusiasticly. 
"Someone slap me, please.", Sae requested. Toni walked over to him and hit him on his bare back. A red mark appeared on the white skin. 
"So this isn't a nightmare...", Sae realised in shock. 
"But this isn't the only interesting thing about this deal.", the spanish young star said. 
"What is it?", Toni asked. 
"Well, apparently, Loki, Blake, Silver and Cavasoz are invited aswell.", Luna explained excited. "Ego wants us to post as a observation team to show those little kids a little piece of reality." 
"Oh my. Could you maybe be little gentle on them?", Marcello joked. "They are just kids after all." 
"Wait with the jokes till I get to the best part.", Luna exclaimed. 
"What is the best part?", Varane asked as Toni tried to wake up the stunned Sae behind him. 
"I get to meet his brother. Hehehe.", Luna replied and pointed at his Japanese teammate. 

"Kaeda gets under the ball just in time.", the commentator said. "She sets up Hinata from the right and here she comes with a big swing onto the line. What an attack!!! 23-21 Niiyama are catching up." 
"Natsuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!", Shoyo shouted from the stands. 
"Jesus christ, you're making us all look embarrassing.", Kageyama muttered annoyed by the acts of his long time teammate. 
"They are not gonna let that set slip away, huh?", Hoshiumi muttered with his hand grabbing his chin. "Have to say, she is better than you during your high school days..." 
"It's Hinata Natsu with the serve.", the commentator said. "Her brother is cheering for her from the stands." 
"Oh yeah. That big scream just a second ago. You heard that too.", the second one agreed and laughed at his own joke. "It also looks like both Japan national volleyball teams are gathered around here."
The referee blew the whistle signalling the service. Natsu threw the ball up into the air. 
"Oh, fancy. A jump serve.", Ushijima commented. The girl on the court ran up from a distance Shoyo would and slammed the ball onto the ground on the other side of the net. 
"There it is, a no-touch-ace by Hinata Natsu!!!", the commentator shouted into his mic. "23-22. One more point and the Niiyama are tied."
"They have played very well so far. Especially Natsu.", the second commentator added. "The last serve from her really reminded me of someone."
"Oh yeah. Now that you're mentioning it. That really looked like one from Hinata Shoyo. Her elder brother."
"That's because I taught it to her.", Shoyo grumbled. "Dumbasses."
Natsu received the ball from the ball boy and walked to her service position. Nothing matters more than victory right now. Something inside her however, was still longing for something more than just her brother being there. But those thoughts and desires are not allowed to disturb her calmness. Her team needed her right now. If she makes it, it will be tied up. One more step closer to victory. They had a 2-0 lead on sets. She will not let that change. The referee blew his whistle again. Her second service. Natsu tossed the ball high up and started her run. Four steps. One small, then a slightly bigger one and then two dynamic ones to catapult herself into the air. She cocked her arm and hit the ball. The ball flew over to the other side. Kara, the opposing wing spiker received it. 
"Her comes Inarizaki's counter. Setter Himari gets under it and she goes for the left.", the commentator spoke. Kara jumped up and performed a line shot. Natsu barely got her hands under it and lifted it into the air. 
"Nice receive.", Kaeda praised and placed the ball up for Natsu. She jumped up before the back line. A wall of stretched out hands formed in front of her. 

"Stay calm. That's all you gotta do."

She changed her wrist position and aimed it at the forearms of the block. The ball made contact but deflected to into the antena. A block out. 
"Oh. Nice spin.", Sakusa praised surprising everyone on his team. 
"What a clean swipe by Hinata Natsu!!", the commentator said. "That's one step closer to victory for the Niiyama girls!!!!" 

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