Chapter 1 Oppertunity

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"Happy new year!", the family tossed and the banket has started. Tobio digged in like there was no tomorrow. 'Typical.', was the only thing Yoichi could thought of. 
"WATCH YOUR MANNERS!", Miwa shouted at his elder brother and hit him on his back head. 
'Again, typical', Yoichi rated the scene and ate calmly. 
"By the way, Yoi, how did your tournament go?", Tobio asked him with a stuffed mouth. 
"It went... kinda well and bad at the same time...", Yoichi answered and took a bite of the fried chicken on the table himself. 
"What went wrong?"
"The last attack, I guess." 
"So, tell me more about it."
"I could have scored..."
"I'm not talking about that.", Tobio interrupted him. "I'm talking about what you would do in order to win. How could you've won your last match?" 
Yoichi was now brought in his thoughts. He has no answers for the question his brother has just asked him. 
"Tell me, Yoichi, what would you put on the line, if you want to win?", his elder brother asked again. Yoichi staid silent. There was this dangerous light in Tobio's eyes. Something that appeared when he was in the best mode. Something that appears when that boy with orange hair jumps behind him and performs strikes with such an enormous speed. Something that appears when he turns the worst receives into the most powerful attack. 
"I-I don't know...", he stuttered. 
"You don't even know how to win a match? How can you call yourself an athlete, if you don't even know how to win?", Tobio said. "Pathetic."
"If I am pathetic for losing a match, how come you've never one the nationals?", Yoichi stroke back. 
"Tch, nationals. That was a small tournament, I played during high school. I've just won seria A. The Italian Professional Volleyball league. You are in no position to judge me, because unlike you, I know what to do. I know how to do it. I know what I have to sacrifice in order to win. In order to fill my desire."
"We are different, Tobio. Don't act like such a high ass, you piece of shit. You play volleyball, a sport, where people are just standing around passing a ball, with no protagonist. I am playing football. The world human sport. Don't you get it? It's far more..."
"And still you don't know how to win, do you?", Tobio replied clearly winning the argument. "Let me put it straight. You will never, ever, reach the same level as me in your sport if you keep doing it your way." 
"Then what is the correct way to do it?!", Yoichi snapped back.  
"You will soon find out. Come to the Karasuno gymnasium tomorrow at 8 a.m. sharp.", Tobio replied and left the dinner table to go to his room. 

The next morning Yoichi stood at the door of the gym of Karasuno high. The high school of his brother. 
"What are we doing here, Nii-San?", he asked curiously. Tobio looked around the gym and answered, "My manager, kinda made me do a small volleyball workshop for High schoolers and I agreed under one condition." 
"What condition?" 
"It had to be here.", Tobio replied and sat down to change into his over expensive volleyball shoes. 
"Oi, oi, oi, Kageyama. Who the hell is that skinny boy next to you?", a voice asked behind them. Yoichi quickly turned around and looked into the orange eyes of Hinata Shoyo. 
'The greatest decoy? Wasn't that his nickname?', the footballer thought. 
"Wow, that's your brother, right? Oh look how much he has grown. Last time I saw you, you were this small.", the orange haired boy said and put his hand to his hips to point out, how big he was when they first met. 
"Oh shut up. I won by the way.", his elder brother exclaimed. "I was here before you." 
"Very funny. By the way. I brought my younger sibling too. Look at Natsu.", Hinata responded while a big girl walked up behind him. 
"Wow. Is she too playing volleyball?", Tobio asked calmly. Suddenly he became a mature man. 
'What a fake.', Yoichi thought. 
"Yep. Niiyama girl's volleyball team. Best female school team in Japan currently and she has been selected for the women's U20 volleyball team. Isn't that great?", Shoyo said with such a warm smile on his face. 
"Hey guys.", Natsu greeted and waved with her hands. 
'Wow...', was the only thing Yoichi could think about that genuine smile on her beautiful face. How can someone be so cheerful? He wished his brother and sister would be like that. 
"Actually, Kageyama, you and your brother don't really look alike, if I'm honest.", Hinata-San said with his finger massaging his chin. 
"My brother has a name and no one asked for your opinion about our looks, Boke.", Tobio replied. 
'That's better. Finally he is himself again.', Yoichi thought. 
"Hmmmmmm... what would that be? Oh yes. You look way too grumpy.", The orange haired boy said which earned him a stare of Tobio. He then looked at Natsu and noticed something. 
"Wow, your sister has grown. How tall is she now?", Tobio asked. 
"189 centimeters. Why?", Natsu answered in a confused matter. 
"Oh, damn. Shrimpy, are you really that short? Even your little sister overtook you.", right after they've said that a fierce battle began. Both of them were rolling on the floor. 
"Just like the old days.", Natsu sighed. 
"What do you mean?", Yoichi asked her. 
"They bickered every second they met. Just like that.", the orange haired girl pointed to the two fighting males. 
"Jesus. And they were supposed to be the most terrifying duo?", Yoichi asked her while keeping his eyes on that spectacular scene in front of him. 
"Alright. Let's settle it like this. Whoever scores the most points wins.", Tobio managed to say. 
"Fine!", Hinata-San shouted back. Finally both of them settled down and went to the other side of the court to warm up. 
"Nii-San, what shoes should I wear?", Yoichi asked after a while of just standing outside of the gym. Natsu has already changed into her volleyball shoes and was doing some sprinting drills. His brother rushed to him and took a pair of fresh volleyball shoes out of his bag. 
"Merry christmas, brother.", he then said while handing me the shoes. I looked at it with a surprised look. Blue strips like lightning, were flanking the shoes on the left and right side. They almost looked like a pair of basketball shoes. 
"Aren't you playing volleyball? Why do they look like basketball shoes?", Yoichi asked his elder brother since he knew, that those were the shoes of his brand. Asics Kageyama Accuracy. "
"Well, these are the Accuracy 3 mid. They were actually designed for middle blockers. It's there to support the ancles.", his brother explained. 
"Don't tell me you got me here just to play volleyball?", the shorter raven haired male said. 
"You just realised now? Why else would I take you to a volleyball workshop?", Tobio said. 
"But how is that supposed to help me get better in football?"
"You'll see soon enough.", the taller boy smiled mischievously. "Now put them on and follow me. Don't worry, I made it perfectly for your feet. It might have cost me a fortune but it's worth it."
Yoichi followed the order of his elder brother and just like he has said, they were perfect. 
"How did you do that?", the football player asked surprised. 
"Modern tech, I guess. Mum sent me one of your shoes and the kinda calculated the movements of your foot and so on and used the information to modify my shoe brand to fit your foot. Modern technology I guess.", his brother explained. "Now come on. Warm up. A small suggestion, you really need to get your shoulders and ankles warm. Alright?" 
"Oh hello king.", a giant blonde with glasses came in. 
"Shut the fuck up, prick.", Tobio snapped back. 
"Wow, what a bad way to greet a former teammate, huh?", the guy with the glasses said. 
"Tsukishima, I asked you to train my brother, not to be salty.", the raven haired male replied. 
"Oh man. I assume that'll be you. Wow, he looks much ungrumpier than you, king.", Tsukishima said. 
'What a drag... This was worse than home.', Yoichi thought. 

"Alright folks. Let's get this workshop started.", Mr. Ukai announced. He was the coach for the Karasuno High boy's volleyball club. According to Miwa, he was also the coach during Tobio's high school time. 
"Today, as I promised, three graduates and former members of this club are here to help you improve your skills. I hope you will use this chance to learn new things for your playing style.", the coach spoke. Yoichi looked at his elder brother. A serie A player, a Brasilian Super league player and a V-League division 2 player. All of them were high level players. 
"So, you're the one, the king begged me to coach?", Tsukishima spoke to him. "Well, I don't mind, if you're an actual middleblocker, but you are a football player... Now tell me, what's the point for you learn how to do a read block?" 
"I don't know.", Yoichi said embarassed a little bit. He would have never thought, that his brother would go such lengths just to help him improve. 
"Hm..., I see... this annoying brat might be stupid in school, but is actually quite smart.", the glasses guy thought out loud. 
"I can hear you, you know? Asshole.", Tobio shouted through the court, while he was giving tips to the setters of the volleyball team. 
"Alright middle blockers. Let's start with the lesson. For read blocks you need to observe two important things during an attack. The movement of the setter and the movement of the attacker. But... you need to do more than that. Because if it's just that, then I won't be here.", Tsukishima explained. 
"What would that be, Senpai?", one of the volleyball players asked the huge blonde boy. His glasses started to shine. 
"Look at the wing spikers, the opposite hitters. Which one of them is most likely going to score?", he asked them. Yoichi took a closer look. He couldn't think of anything. 
"There are many aspects for a successful attack. Look at the bunch of them. Hinata is the fastest and the most dangerous. His plays are often freestyle and shocking. However, he can only make those plays when gets the second touch. Now look at that other guy.", Tsukishima pointed to the talles one of them. "He is the the tallest. His spike points might be the highest, so it's better to perform a soft block, to make it easier to recieve instead of killing the spike. So, guys. Do you understand what I am trying to say?" 
Yoichi thought of the informations Tsukishima has just gave him. Observation. 
"Read block requires more than just a succesful block. It requires the blocker to analyse the opposing attackers ability and to adapt his defences according to the opponents offense.", the shorter male answered. 
"100 points. You are way smarter than your brother. But you forgot about one thing.", Tsukishima said. 
"Which is?" 
"The middle blocker is the player on the court, that plays with the other teams' morale. Take the national player Suna Rintaro as an example. His read blocks are currently very effective. Combined with his speed and spiking abilities, he is a very tuff opponent to play against." 
Observation, adaption and psychologic warfare. 
'Things are getting very interesting. Thank you Nii-chan. Thank you for this oppertunity.', Yoichi thought fired up. 
"Furthermore, the middle blocker isn't just a wall to protect the back row players. He is also a spear striking through the opponents' defence with speed and accuracy. To do that, middle blockers need to be both fast and flexible.", Tsukishima continued with his requirements for the position he is playing. 
"Why do we need to be flexible?", one of the high school players asked. 
"Because your shooting angle is quite small. Take the angle of a wing spiker or outside hitter or whatever you name this position. He can strike through the long diagonal or take the short line shot. A middle blocker has not these far distances he can use for a powerful attack.", the guy with the glasses explained.
'Flexibility, huh. That can be useful for me too.', Yoichi thought. 

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