James subtly  checked the guy out , more particularly his muscles , he pretended to focus on his drink , "do you offer company to all the customers who come to order ," he looked at the name tag of the Buffy guy , "Luke?"

                Luke smirked and dryed a glass , "only to the cute ones ," he winked at James .

                        James smirked wondering how the bartender looked underneath his shirt. As fine and hot as Luke was , the former wasn't looking forward to having a one night stand with a guy he would most likely not see again after the cruise ended.

                       "Sorry Luke , but I'm not interested in whatever you're probably thinking." James  said focusing on his drink.

               "It's cool," Luke said with a smile on his face , "but on a serious note , let me keep you company. It seems your friend is going to be a while ." 

          They both looked at Yim who was dancing wildly on the floor pumped with adrenaline James didn't know he posssessed. Luke was right because it seemed Him had alot of energy he needed to burn out of his body.

             "Here ," Luke handed him another glass much to James' confusion , " it's on the house. You can have it."

               James blinked at the glass then to the hunky bartender and finally back to the glass again , "why are you being so nice with me? I'm not going to sleep with you if you think reverse psychology is going to work."

                Luke chuckled , "I would very much like to sleep with you. But no , I just think you're a cool dude , I've a sixth sense about people and I can see you're just alright. So I don't want you to feel bored , if i'm making you uncomfortable then sorry dude."

            James watched as Luke turned to serve another customer . He looked at his glass and he had to admit Luke was just trying to be nice to give him company .

            "James." He said after realizing he hadn't even introduced himself , "my name's James."

             Luke smiled and leaned on the table looking at him , "pleasure to meet you James."

                   James smirked as Luke stared at him. The two engaged in small conversations , even when more customers came to order or when Luke made the drinks , the bartender would contuine carrying out talking with him. James actually enjoyed his evening exchanging info with Luke who seemed like a very decent guy.

                  James made his way to the bathroom , he had started feeling a bit tipsy after his fourth drink and he wasn't looking forward to getting fully  drunk , he didn't want to look like a fool in front of Luke.

                 "Maybe this trip isn't so boring after all ," James smiled to himself , Luke from what he could deduce was one heck of a green flag and was surprisingly his type ; friendly and not arrogant . He just didn't know if she should pursue the guy or not, sure he could see Luke was into him but ," should I make the move?"

           "Netttttt ," he heard a feminine voice moan from one of the closed stalls , "shit..oh..i'm sensitive."

                 James wanted to bleach his ears once the two voices moaned  so lewdly together. He tried to ignore them and wash his face , unfortunately the slapping of skin echoed throughout the bathroom and the girl's screams grew louder.

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