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Algiers, Algeria.

Ramadan has started, and I'm so happy, Alhamdulilah. Abu spoke to Aamir as per our conversation, and Aamir said he'd speak to his parents and then give his father Abu's number so they could discuss things.

I'm the one making iftar today, so I asked Umm to rest today. I pick up my Qur'an, open up to the last page I stopped at this morning, and continue.

After reading five pages, I close the Qur'an. As I hear the ādhan for Asr' being called, I head upstairs and make wudhu to pray. After salah, I go back to the kitchen and start up with the biryani I'm making.

Just as I'm cutting up the chicken, Umm yells my name. "Nasreen!" "Yes, umm, I'll be right there. Give me a minute." I answer and wash my hands before exiting the kitchen to head towards her call.

I enter the sitting room with a salam before taking a seat on the one sitter. "Yes, um, you called me?" I inquire. "Yes, your father wanted to inform you of how his conversation with Aamir's father went, but he just went up now, so I'll just tell you what conspired." She says. I nod for her to go on.

"They spoke about the possibility of when you two would meet, and Aamir's father said to ask you for your opinion as you are also a part of everything going on, so when would you like to meet him? I think it should be soon, though, so you don't waste each other's time, don't you think?" She asks.

"Yes, Umm, but any date you pick is fine with me in shā Allāh." I assure her, "Will this Saturday be fine then?" Abu says as he comes in, "Yes, Abu, this Saturday is fine." I say, and he nods, "May Allah bless you, and may nothing be brought forth from this possible union but goodness." Umm prays "Āmin." We all chorus.

I head back to the kitchen to finish making Iftar. After making sure everything is set, I head up to my room to take a shower before Magrib. After my shower, I perform ablution and head downstairs to set the table for the three of us.

Just as I drop the last dish on the table, I hear the ādhan being called. I pick up a glass of water and three dates after making du'a. I chew the dates and swallow them down with water before putting on my hijab and praying beside Umm in the sitting room.

After magrib, I make more du'a, and just as I'm done, Abu comes back, and we sit to break our fast. After dinner, I pick up the dishes and clear the dining table before going up to get ready to head to the masjid. We pray to I'sha and Taraweeh before coming back home.

I retire before Umm and Abu. I continue reading my Qur'an, and after I pick up my journal, I write down a few things. After clearing my head of everything I've done today, I brush my teeth and make wudhu. Just as I sit on my bed, I remember Maryam, making a mental note to call her tomorrow in shā Allāh. I cup my hands to make du'a with an additional du'a too.

I asked Allah for guidance to help me make the right decision and to guide me in the right direction for everything I do. After that, I turned off my lights and zoomed off, grateful for today.

Hello 👋🏾!
I know🙄 a very boring chapter I could feel it in my bones as I typed this😂 continue to bear with me the book will get better in shā Allāh😌.
Less than a month to Ramadan
How ready are you?
Need help getting ready for Ramadan or need any du'as for Ramadan follow this account on Instagram @dawah.path you won't regret it In shaa Allah 🤍.
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