Part 3

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September 7, 2007

"Mother, must I?" I don't whine.

"You are the future face of this organization. You have put this off for a year. You may not put it off any longer."

"But Jake is having a party this afternoon."

"Too close to his birthday. I don't like it. Anyway, isn't it, shudder, an all boys party?"

"I'm the exception."

"I wish you would make some female friends."

Cause they are the higher gender, I finish in my head.

"I will. When I find one interesting."

Mother opens the conference room doors.

"Sisters!" She greets. "I hope your travels were alright."

"They were lovely. Can't bet a private jet." Sister Beatrice Rosemond croaks.

I can't believe I'm taking over a cis female white religion.

Mother gestures for me to sit.

I do and looking up, freeze.

"Hello. Who are you?" I ask, intrigued.

"My name is Xandria Bigg. You must have seen me in movies."

"Witnesses don't watch movies, Alexandria. We're been over this." Kelly Whistrethrop says looking at me. "This is my granddaughter. She will be your test subject. SHe's a famed actress. Nothing Christian has ever stayed in her head."

The heathen, I think.

"Let us begin." Christian Rivera says.

I know her parents named her after our religion. But at least she's the first BIPOC Governing Body member.

"What's so bad about Christmas?" Xandria asks.

I smile.

"Christmas would not be bad. If it were in the Bible. Jesus Christ was not given gifts at her birth but rather 2 years later. And they weren't women of God, but rather tools of Satan to show Herod where the promised messiah was. The holiday people celebrated would have killed our savior before she could save us. Christmas itself was a Pagan holiday that was brought to Chirstians to unity us with, well heathens." I smile again.

"But that was 2 thousand years ago. Why does it matter that a lady could have been killed when she's dead now?"

"She's alive in heaven. She's not simply some lady. She was God's first creation. A daughter who shows us the way in all she does. She's the word."

"But God and this Jesus can't really care what you do one day a year."

"She that is faithful in least is faithful in much."

"Alexandria please read the questions properly." Kelly says.

"I don't have full questions. Just notes as prompts. SHe doesn't seem to mind." Xandria turns her grey eyes on me.

"I'm fine."

"See, she's fine." She smiles at me. "What is the generation?"

Wow from a four year old question to one many adults struggle with.

"The generation is the group alive from the time of Christ being on earth to when she comes back in a Heavenly power."

"But, like, that hasn't happened. How can they still be alive? It was 2 thousand years ago. Is there magic involved? I'll join Christianity if there's magic."

"No there's no magic." I laugh. "The generation overlaps. I'm a member of the Governing Body for the next generation. It begins when my youngest member turns 18. I exist with these lovely ladies," I gesture around the table and they aww. "What they have seen, they share through publications. I will do the same. The end of the generation will know what the beginning saw this way."

"I'm sorry. You used the term generation to describe the difference between you and my grandma. But used the same term a different way in your while explanation. Why?"

"She satisfied me." Beatrice says.

"I thought I was the non Christian who needed toi understand all this for her to pass." Rooting for you, she mouthes to me.

"Move on Alexandria." Kelly says.

She is right though.

"How is the Governing Body chosen? And what is their assignment?"

Seems specific to our religion rather than Christianity.

"The next members of the Governing Body appear in the dream Mary had while pregnant with Jesus to the current Governing Body. A search is conducted and the children labeled. The Governing Body's assignment is in the name. They are a body that has spiritual direction to decipher the Bible and work on publications for Jesus' followers."

"Prophectic dreams? Seems magical to me."

I smile.

Xandria asks me 20 questions in total. My head is foggy by the end.

"I approve." The trio of old ladies say.

"Well, I thoroughly enjoyed that." Xandria declares. "Mrs. Charlotte's mom, can Charlotte come to mine and answer more of my questions?"

Mom blinks back to life.

"Of course."

----- ----- -----

"Tell me you don't have any more theology questions." I say, sliding into the limo.

"Hell, no. Sorry for cussing. I can tell when someone's bored. I want to show you a movie."

"Won't your mom tell my mom?"

"My mom's in Italy."

"How old are you?"

"14." She sees my face. "Oh, I've stayed on my own since I was 12. Mom calls it vacationing when she's with me."

She shows me around the limo. In no time, we've pulled up to a skyscraper. We ride the elevator to the top floor.

"Okay, my first movie. Don't laugh too hard." She presses play.

I'm enthralled. I've never seen a 6 year old lie so well. And the movie really is just her, another six year old, and a teacher. It tells a full story.

"Can you stop calling it lying? It's acting." Xandria says.

"But how do you so fully be someone else?"

"With good character writing." She looks at me. "Well, you're definitely not bored."

"I'm in love."

"With me?" Her voice squeaks. "Zylec always says my audience will fall in love with me in an hour and 50 minutes."

"It's already that late? I have to ask Shawn how my not boyfriend's party was."

"What is a not boyfriend?"

"Well, witnesses can't date until marriage. But everyone knows Jake's going to propose to me. So not, but is, my boyfriend."

"Hmmm, like Zylec."

"I'm not in love with you. I'm in love with your eyes. How you express yourself. Your presence. Your being. I want to write you a character." I say, texting.

"Okay. Bet."

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